Methods for Neutralizing Negative Feelings Inside Yourself

In order to be FREE to attract to yourself everything you want, you must be free of negativity inside yourself. The Universe doesn’t speak English! Or Spanish, or German, etc. The Universe speaks the language of VIBRATION, and therefore, the way you send your requests up to the Universe, for the Universe to send back to you as manifestation, is through the vibrations of the energy stored inside you, that radiates out from you.

Now, this being the case, if you have negative energy inside you against YOURSELF, for example, what will be attracted to you? Negative, critical people who don’t like you! If you have negative feelings inside yourself against politicians, for example, what will be attracted to you? Politicians whom you find annoying! They’ll be on every radio station, they’ll be knocking on your front door, they’ll be the subject on the lips of all your co-workers, etc! If you hate religion, what are you attracting? Religious people who will judge you, just like you are judging them! SO….The best way you can help your own life, is to neutralize the negativity you have inside yourself on every, every, every subject! What about worrying about money? First, it means that you’re not in the moment; You’re “out there somewhere” at the date that bill is due! Can the Universe do anything in the “future”? NO! It only has one timeframe: NOW. So, forget it! Get back in the moment! The only time you need ever think about money is the 30 minutes per month that it takes to write out the checks to pay the bills! THAT’s all! Secondly, if negativity about money is inside you, what will you attract to yourself? You guessed it; negative financial issues!

So….What’s the cure? The cure is a three step process, that we will explore together over our next three weeks:

1) Neutralize the negative energy inside yourself
2) Think through the two methods for releasing limiting Beliefs. (The Benefit of the Benefit; Differing Data Interpretations).
3) Do N.L.P.(neuron-linguistic programming) to anchor the new belief!)

This week, we’ll focus on the multiplicity of methods for step one: Neutralizing the Negative Energy (feelings) inside yourself on any issue.

Here are some of the different ways to diffuse negative feelings:

1. Ho-O-Ponopono (if you don’t know what this is; Google it! It’s amazing!)
2. Welcome the feeling; Don’t resist feeling it! Welcome it!
3. Dive into it! This dissolves it if it is negative! It doubles it when it’s positive.
4. Mentally try to magnify the negative feeling, so you can feel it more! This will “X” it out, neutralizing it altogether! This works with physical pain, too! Try to feel it more!
5. Give yourself permission to feel it; Let go of trying not to feel it. Whatever you resists, persists!
6. Hug yourself and say, “I love you”, to yourself! Also say it to the feeling.
7. Imagine it floating down the river! This visualization technique will allow you to “drop” the feeling into the river.
8. “Drop” the feeling! Like you’re dropping a pen from your hand; Just DROP it!
9. Do conscious comparisons; When I feel this feeling, do I feel free or bound? Love or hate? Analyze the feeling and try to describe it even more fully to yourself.
10. Be as The Sky! The clouds do not have an agenda! They allow whatever happens: They collect rain, they drop rain; They float! Imagine yourself being like the clouds, and allow, rather than resist, then “watch” the feeling float away!
11. E.F.T. The Tapping Cure. (google it!)

After you neutralize the negativity on the issue, THEN you’ll be able to think clearly, to move on to step two of “the cure”!

Janeen Detrick

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