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Protected: Graduate Call 4-15-14: Forgiveness and Surrender

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Protected: Graduate Call 4-8-14: Clearing Compliments Oneness

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Graduate Call Notes 4-8-14: Clearing Compliments Oneness

We had a wonderful presentation in tonight’s call. Janeen is back from her 6 week excursion in India at the Oneness University. Originally she was scheduled for her next hosting of the graduate calls all the way out in June. I asked her if we could do this cooperative call because I wanted to have the opportunity to hear myself the exciting insights and wisdom she tuned into in India, and of course she was thrilled to do so. Please let me stress now that there are many philosophical principles […]

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Graduate Call Notes 4-2-14: Open Forum

Today’s open forum call was primarily focused on three questions asked by our participants. What are some guidelines to Manifesting? How can I get clear about what I want with my business? How to find a USP (unique selling proposition) for my services? One of our wonderful students in Denmark shared some amazing results she’s been experiencing due to the implementation of a visualizing process. Guidelines to Manifesting The outline here was pretty simple. Following the 5 steps of the law of attraction we know step one is to get […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 4-1-14: Open Forum

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Graduate Call Notes 3-25-14: Awakening

With humility I am grateful for the opportunity to share my insights on tonight’s subject. Awakening is not a subject I claim to be an ambassador of but it is a subject I have spent considerable time with. A couple necessary presuppositions: Awakening is not Enlightenment Awakening does not end pain Awakening is the beginning of the end of suffering There is a necessity for clarification on the subject of what is awakening. What does it mean? The reason there are so many questions around this subject is because most […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 3-25-14: Awakening

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Protected: Graduate Call 3-18-14: Principles of Life

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Graduate Call Notes 3-18-14: Principles of Life

What is suffering? Suffering is the experience of resistance. Some of the principles we spoken of were timely and relevant to many on the call. The principles of Judgment and Forgiveness, stemming from an identity steeped in duality, were of particular interest. It’s necessary to clarify and narrow down the challenge of the complexity exemplified in all the diverse stories we could share; stories involving judgment, forgiveness, anger and frustration, stress and anxiety and literally any stories relating negative emotion. We can narrow this down to the much simpler and […]

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Graduate Call Notes: Open Forum

Thank you to everyone who participated in tonight’s call. I felt a great energy in the group that I might put under the category of excitement or enthusiasm coupled with inspiration and insight. Thank you, Steph and Marcus, for asking about getting unstuck.   Some of the guidance offered here was in being present enough to realize when you are feeding what you don’t want.  By realizing that we are identifying with a challenging situation we immediately access a choice. Do we continue to feed what we don’t want unconsciously or […]

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