Graduate Call Notes 3-25-14: Awakening

With humility I am grateful for the opportunity to share my insights on tonight’s subject. Awakening is not a subject I claim to be an ambassador of but it is a subject I have spent considerable time with.

A couple necessary presuppositions:

  • Awakening is not Enlightenment
  • Awakening does not end pain
  • Awakening is the beginning of the end of suffering

There is a necessity for clarification on the subject of what is awakening. What does it mean? The reason there are so many questions around this subject is because most people are questioning or inquiring from the point of view of the mind. The mind/body identity as the captain is the ego. Awakening is the dawning realization of the authentic soul identity.

The mind identified state, known as the ego, is the greatest obstacle to awakening and in fact it may be the only obstacle. The mind identified state known as ego is continuously focused on pursuing pleasure or avoiding pain. All data available in any given moment is being processed through these filters. Is this something that will benefit me and therefore give me more pleasure or is this something I should avoid or get rid of based on a perception associated with pain or suffering? These are the tell tale signs of the ego.

So what is the point of view that is not mind identified? Personally I consider this as Soul perception. From the perspective of Soul there is not automatic meaning being given to what we perceive, no judgment. There is no strategy being formulated about how I can use “this” for gain. There is allowing and acceptance and from this state there is authentic choice. Much of this call was focused on moving from duality to unity. I personally believe this shift from duality to unity is authentic awakening. On the scale of consciousness this might be an identity based at 500 or above. The tell tale sign of awakening is Love based perception. This looks like an identity of “we” vs and identity of “me”.

Awakening to the soul identity is the necessary foundation for the opportunity to experience enlightenment. Enlightenment is found as we know at 700 or above. Awakening has been described as an unfolding realization of our inherent truth. From the recognition of this truth we have the capacity to further this state into the mystical ineffable experience of source identity. Enlightenment is said to unfold in 3 stages. My educated guess is that Cosmic Consciousness is experienced between 700 and 800 on the scale. Divine or God Consciousness would then fit between 800 and 900 on the scale. Full Enlightenment is experienced then between 900 and 1000 on the scale. These aspects of enlightenment cannot be achieved. They can be experienced when we have surrendered the identity of anything less.

From mind to being, what does this really mean? It means from time to presence. We have a strong tendency to be constantly distracted with thoughts. Most of these habitual thoughts are pertaining to the past and or the future. Being is known as the “God view of the 600s on the scale. This is the consciousness domain of Peace and is the precursor state to the dawning enlightened state.

We spoke about the meditation of “Planting the Seed in the Soul”. This is to be experienced in the deep peace accessed in deep meditation. The preparation for this is in Nevilizing a goal on paper. Writing out the goal as if it has been realized already, including as much sensory detail as possible. When experiencing this deep peace in the meditation we lightly open our eyes and read our Nevilized goal. Accessing any of the associated feelings are tremendously beneficial here. After reading the goal we close our eyes, and allow the meditation to unfold naturally.

After completing the meditation our opportunity to nurture the seed is best cultivated in the emotions of knowing and gratitude. Anything less than “knowing” and “gratitude” is an energetic toxin to our goal. Anything emotionally less than knowing encompasses the energetic language of some form of doubt.

You only need to plant the seed once. Anytime the thought of the goal arises you simply “water” it with gratitude and knowing.

A few of the Bhagavan quotes about being Awakened from the Oneness University that I shared on the call:

The Awakened One is balanced.
The unawakened one is out of balance.

The Awakened One has no problem with wealth – for wealth is not the problem.
The unawakened has problem with wealth – for the sense of possession is the problem.

The Awakened One sees everything as perfect.
The unawakened one sees everything as imperfect.

The Awakened One acts without possessing, interfering or expecting anything.
The unawakened one does the opposite.

The Awakened One is happy for no reason.
The unawakened one is happy for some reason.

One of my favorites – The Awakened One is what one is.
The unawakened one is what one is not.

The Awakened One knows no attachment.
The unawakened one knows nothing but attachment.

The Awakened One makes use of conditioning.
The unawakened one is made use of by conditioning.

The Awakened One has no cause for His joy, and therefore nothing effects His joy.
The unawakened one knows pleasure or pain, dependent on all that is happening.

If you’re still suffering, you are identified with your mind

Clearing means that we’re changing the meaning we’ve given to the circumstance / to our experiences

There are 2 easy ways to cultivate feeding what we want: gratitude and knowing (which is nevillizing)

What sustains limiting beliefs is being identified with them.

The end of all limiting beliefs is found in disidentifying from them. This is a skill that simultaneously cultivates Awakening!


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