Graduate Call Notes 4-8-14: Clearing Compliments Oneness

We had a wonderful presentation in tonight’s call. Janeen is back from her 6 week excursion in India at the Oneness University. Originally she was scheduled for her next hosting of the graduate calls all the way out in June. I asked her if we could do this cooperative call because I wanted to have the opportunity to hear myself the exciting insights and wisdom she tuned into in India, and of course she was thrilled to do so.

Please let me stress now that there are many philosophical principles embraced by our coaches. The beautiful thing is that none of them negate another. These methods and philosophies all point to various aspects of fulfillment itself.  Some are fairly advanced, while others are more easily accessible. With this being said, our coaching is based on principles not opinions. These principles are timeless and will always be relevant.

Here is what Janeen shared with us tonight.

Three teachings I learned at Oneness University in India that really made a profound impression on me are:

  1. Triggers, or charges, or hooks, are emotions that we have resisted experiencing. Because we resisted experiencing them, the energetic impression of the feeling we are resisting feeling, imbeds itself in the unconscious mind. Any similar type of situation can trigger the energy of it, and then you get the opportunity to fully experience it, and “burn off the energy of the feeling”. Don’t add thoughts while you’re feeling it; Just FEEL it! Stay with it until it becomes BLISS! Then, you’ll remember that the past incident happened, but it won’t trigger you again!
  2. The Awakened person fully experiences “the what is” in each moment, because he has fully experienced the charges from the past. Therefore, the past doesn’t come up and interfere with the present! Example: Seeing “Miss World”…..The Awakened person sees her, enjoys it…and when she passes out of view, it’s just done. The experience is finished. But for the Unawakened person, they will think about long afterwards, causing them to miss all the moments they weren’t present for, and it will affect other aspects of their life, also; “Oh, dear. I don’t like my girlfriend anymore, because she doesn’t give me the thrill Miss World did!”
  3. Differentiate between “Intrinsic” and “Extrinsic” applications. You must be truthful with yourself, about yourself, inside yourself, but that doesn’t mean you have to tell other people the truth you’ve admitted to yourself!  Intrinsically, DO NOT TRY to change yourself!  THAT is a resistance to “the what is”. Simply admit to the Divine that you are the way you are and that you are HELPLESS to change yourself, and then Divine Grace can come in and “fix you” automatically! But if you “TRY”, you are a block!

Now, that doesn’t mean that you don’t take any EXTERNAL (extrinsic) ACTION to Change something! If you need to get a job, that’s extrinsic…DO fill out applications!  But when it comes to INTERNAL changes, DO NOT attempt to fix it: Just admit the truth to yourself about yourself. For example…”Yes…I admit it!  I’m lazy!” That’s an internal thing!  But externally?  YES! Get off the couch!  “Being with the what is” is an internal matter. Taking action can happen, and should!  THAT is an external matter!

Of course, there’s much, much more that I learned in my seven weeks in India…but these were what I felt inspired to share right now!

Love, love, love!


Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

Thank You Janeen for sharing your insights on these wonderful teachings. I appreciate how they fit so eloquently with what we teach every day. I appreciate also how they take us to a new level of insight and perspective.

It’s fascinating to me at how much of the path can be perceived initially as counterintuitive. This is typically why having a coach is soooo valuable, because the intuitive answers often appear to be the “right” answers. The intuitive answers are typically the “conditioned point of view”-answers that stem from our past and exist in our brain as neural pathways. These conditioned neural pathways are the biological foundation of our point of view as well as our challenge. A coach gets to help one clarify the wisdom of the counterintuitive direction. In so doing we can bypass the conditioning of the mind and experience the alternative, liberating point of view. This is an example of what “clearing” is.

I loved the comment “True honesty is governed by love / loving”.

Thank you to everyone that shared their questions, comments, attention and energy on tonights call. We sooo love and appreciate your presence.


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