Graduate Call Notes 4-2-14: Open Forum

Today’s open forum call was primarily focused on three questions asked by our participants.

  • What are some guidelines to Manifesting?
  • How can I get clear about what I want with my business?
  • How to find a USP (unique selling proposition) for my services?

One of our wonderful students in Denmark shared some amazing results she’s been experiencing due to the implementation of a visualizing process.

Guidelines to Manifesting

The outline here was pretty simple. Following the 5 steps of the law of attraction we know step one is to get as clear as possible about what it is we don’t want and especially the emotional “why” driving it. Step two is to get crystal clear about what it is you do want and the emotional “why” behind it. When we start looking at the emotional reason that’s driving our goal we come into recognition of what we really want and that is always an emotional experience.

Generic Example – I want to get that contract signed.

Specific Example – I want to feel the excitement as I celebrate the signed contract.

As I tune into the feeling of the payoff, I simultaneously activate the feelings that are in alignment with having the goal accomplished. In this way I am becoming the goal from the inside out. Now be sure that you still take the necessary logical action to get the results. Obviously your goal will not be reliably realized by sitting back thinking and feeling it. As you become your goal from the inside out as well as from the outside in, this is a more probable way to achieve it.

How can I get clear about what I want with my business?

Here again we have the opportunity to at least get clear about the feeling associated with the payoff. Sometimes we have an idea of what we want but have a hard time getting specific about it. With a variety of different options it can be hard to know what the right course of action is. This is where so many people get stopped in the pursuit of their goals.

In this case it’s a really good idea to simply tune into the feelings we want to be experiencing regardless of the path we take. When we start describing the feeling associated with the goal achieved we begin to feel it. When we feel it we are simultaneously feeding it.

  • Remember the “Law of the Land”.
  • Starve what you don’t want, Feed what you do want.

When we get resonant with the feelings, often times we find ourselves in situations that can bring about the desired result. Sometimes we simply find ourselves in the frame of mind that has direct access to the inspiration that guides us further.

 How to find a USP (unique selling proposition) for my services?

To find a USP for your business or service there is a really simple formula that works really well.

  • First, clarify who your target audience is.
  • Second, describe their problem or pain.
  •  Third, define your solution.

The student on the call that asked this question was a massage therapist. Her ideal clientele is women. Their problem/pain is stress. Her solution to their stress is her ability to provide an effective relaxing massage. When you put it all together you have something like, “Helping women relieve their stress though a relaxing massage”. Now if it were me I would definitely dress this up a bit and make it a little more provocative but you get the idea. It’s the formula that gives you the framework to create a simple yet effective USP.

We also spoke about something similar to a USP called a Hedgehog Concept. A Hedgehog Concept is a blend of the different aspects of clarification.

  • First, what are you deeply passionate about?
  • Second, what can you be the best in the world at?
  • Third, what drives your economic engine?

The combination or intersection of these three answers becomes your hedgehog concept.

Now there are many different ways to build an effective USP but these two examples gives you a good idea of what can go into the process.

The more clear you are of resistance and old outdated programming the more access you have to insight and inspiration. These are key ingredients to an effective USP as well. Insight, inspiration, clarity and an effective formula.


Our wonderful student from Denmark shared much of the formula she has been using over the last 6 months for manifesting some of her amazing results. Some of the key ingredients she shared were Gratitude, Visualization with Emotion, Positive Expectancy and the word she used was Incantations. I think many of us have used the word Affirmation instead but I believe we are talking about the same thing. In using these principle she had many great successes. I love that all of these principles are being taught through our classes, materials and coaches.

One piece of feedback I received by email shortly after the call was the following:

Re; Appreciation & Thanks

To: Gil McIff, and Prosper, Inc.

Hello my name is David, I and my Bride started this journey this past December and after starting out rather unsure what to expect or what all this unusual stuff was all about I can tell you today that I am deeply grateful we just jumped in! We have realized thus far a deeper confidence and inner peace, new understanding of who we are and how our minds work (sounds weird doesn’t it). Techniques that allow us to identify situations and root causes thereof and better yet how to remove them and become better people! The LOA and other laws that exist that I had absolutely no idea did before partnering with Prosper. The people which we have met and formed relationships with over the phone (also weird to me and I thought it would never work) have been a real blessing to us and you know who you are. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being gentle and pouring your knowingness into us!

Just today while on my Graduate Coaching call with Gil and people from around the globe, I experienced a major breakthrough in an area I have been struggling with for six months; funny thing is that part of the answer was that it will come exactly when it is supposed to come, so PTL! It came now the rest is up to me to apply my new found knowledge and succeed full speed ahead! What is it you say? Well I have long since used a term; “I have met the enemy and it is me.” I know it is a bit harsh but I’m sure you get the idea. Well today while discussing our way through the process of Starving what you don’t want and feeding what you do want, that even though I had heard this now on several calls my understanding was not quite clear and that I was sending out a counter intention. That my Ego was getting in the way! Long story short is that I just needed to speak to my hearts intent (feeding what I do want) and not trying to fabricate some certain set of eloquent words for each prospect which (was feeding what I didn’t want) and / or creating my inner conflict every time I was preparing to call and present my opportunity , which I totally believe in.

Looking ahead now to the application of this revelation, stay tuned for an update along the way, and thank you to “ALL” of you @ Prosper, we appreciate You!

David F – Minnesota

Thank You to everyone who participated on the call. It’s a blessing and a privilege to get to share this material with all of you. In fact without you I wouldn’t be here. So very sincerely Thank You All.


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