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Graduate Call Notes 11-4-14: Perspective

What is perspective? Perspective is the way we see the world and is determined in large part by our subconscious or core beliefs. It is like wearing a pair of tinted glasses. Our beliefs create the tint (prism) that we are looking through. This prism reflects and reshapes things to fit our beliefs. Have you ever had something you have said be taken differently than you meant it? Is perspective truth? Yes, perspective is truth for that person. This is one reason people argue. And when we are clouded by […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 11-4-14: Perspective – Seeing the Big Picture

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-28-14: Recap and Clarify October’s Topics and Q&A

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Graduate Call Notes 10-21-14: Attachment, Aversion and Surrender

Thank you Mickey for sharing the following quote that got us started. Love is a portion of the soul itself, and it is of the same nature as the celestial breathing of the atmosphere of paradise. ~ Victor Hugo The 5 Causes of Suffering – The 1st is the source of the other four. Ignorance of our real nature – for the egos that don’t like that word, call it a limited sense of self. Not knowing the truth of what you are. Egoism- mind/body identity. Qualities of consciousness below […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-21-14: Attachment, Aversion and Surrender

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Graduate Call Notes 10-14-14: Emotional Intelligence and Present Moment Awareness

Thank you to everyone who was present for today’s call. I’m sure that even though the subject was quite complicated it was well received by all of you. As you might have heard today we are addressing the single greatest challenge anyone in history has ever faced, transcending the ego. This is being accomplished with the practice of the 3 step clearing (elaborated in last week’s call) by cultivating present moment awareness and emotional intelligence. This 3 step practice is the simplest and most effective practice that I am aware […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-14-14: Emotional Intelligence and Present Moment Awareness

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Graduate Call Notes 10-7-14: Open Forum

Thank you to everyone who was present for tonight’s call; and let me express my sincere appreciation for those of you who were willing to participate with questions. Questions that were brought up tonight were: I have a goal that I want to achieve but am still resisting moving on it. How do I know if it’s just limiting beliefs that are holding me back? Could it actually be that the goal I set is not the path that I should be going down? I still need to get clear […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-7-14: Open Forum

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-30-14: Learning The Art of Visualization

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