Graduate Call Notes 10-7-14: Open Forum

Thank you to everyone who was present for tonight’s call; and let me express my sincere appreciation for those of you who were willing to participate with questions.

Questions that were brought up tonight were:

  • I have a goal that I want to achieve but am still resisting moving on it. How do I know if it’s just limiting beliefs that are holding me back? Could it actually be that the goal I set is not the path that I should be going down? I still need to get clear about this goal so I can move forward.
  • How can I maintain a higher vibration?
  • How can I sustain greater levels of energy while at work?

The answers to these questions addressed many of the other questions that were asked.

For the 1st question we spoke about the 5 steps of the Law of Attraction. Though many of you are familiar with these steps it was important to recap and clarify the significance.

  • Step 1 – Get crystal clear about what it is that you don’t want and why.  The “why” is the emotion you no longer want to experience as a result of the “what”.
  • Step 2 – Get crystal clear about what it is that you do want and why. Again the “why” here is the emotion you believe you will have as a result of getting the “what”.
  • Step 3 – Starve what you don’t want. This is where all clearing techniques are relevant.  Examples are Ho’oponopono, EFT, NLP, Hypnotherapy, etc.
  • Step 4 – Feed what you do want. Here is where you are taking both internal and external action. For the internal action Joe Vitale calls this Nevillizing. The metaphysical community calls it “creative visualization”. NLP calls it “acting as if”. Children call it “pretending”. For the external action this is obvious, get up and do something, take action.
  • Step 5 – Surrender / Let Go. Here what we are surrendering is the attachment to the outcome. We are surrendering expectation in favor of intention. We are surrendering the demand for the result and are simply relying on the knowing that the intention will produce the desired result as long as the intentions are nurtured and not sabotaged.

We spoke at length about my 3 step clearing. Here is the elaborated example I emailed to everyone that asked about it:

Feeding what you want is natural and easy, you are already doing this in many ways. The emphasis of this practice is focused on starving what you don’t want by simply observing the characteristics of your emotions and thereby disidentifying from being them. Your habitual state of consciousness is the number one determinant of your personal circumstances.  The quality of your consciousness in this moment is the primary determinant of your future. And what determines the quality of your consciousness is your degree of presence.

Check in 10x a day with the question “How am I feeling emotionally in my body right now?”

You can use a reminder app on your phone, an alarm on your phone, sticky notes placed in random places, paint one fingernail different from the rest, wear your watch on the opposite arm or upside down, or put a band-aid on your finger. Every time this catches your attention ask yourself, “Emotionally, how do I feel in my body right now?”

If there is ANY kind of negativity or if it is simply a lower emotion than what you would like to be feeling, the fact is you did not choose it. It’s based on conditioned interpretation and is simply an old program running and it’s time to do the following 3 steps. If you are feeling what you would like to be feeling then start with step 2.

  1. Say These Specific Words – There it is, thats not me, thats a program.
  2. Observe it deeply – What physical and emotional sensations do I feel? Where do I feel them? Or simply I feel it (here), it feels like (this).   Realize who is doing this inquiring?
  3. Thank You for checking in, I love you I love you I love you- Thank you for no longer feeding the program, Thank you for dis-identifying from the program, thank you for catching yourself and no longer losing energy here. Thank you for whatever you want to say thank you for. I love you, I love you, I love you!

There it is. That’s not me. That’s a program.
I feel it here (location), it feels like this (characteristics).
Thank You for checking in, I love you I love you I love you

These steps are not for the purpose of getting rid of the negative feeling, i.e. resisting and therefore feeding what we don’t want. That benefit may sometimes come with it, but this practice is more about implementing a new habit/program. So every time you observe the emotion, it’s an opportunity to do this practice without judgment. It doesn’t matter what emotion is there, what matters is that you simply observe it without giving it any meaning. When this becomes habit you will have successfully reprogrammed the unconscious perpetuation of the old reaction with the automatic newly programmed conscious response.

It takes less than 30 seconds to do this practice.   30 seconds at 10x a day = 5 minutes                        

How many days will it take before this healthy response has become a new program for you?

The second question pertaining to maintaining a higher vibration and the third question about sustaining higher energy was fairly well addressed by the 5 steps of the Law of Attraction and the 3 Step Clearing. However we went a little further to address more of the physical options that would benefit as well.

  • Getting up and moving or stretching every 60-90 minutes.
  • Daily Meditation for at least 20 minutes.
  • Take a 20 minute walk once or twice a day.
  • Get a mineral supplement. (Talk with a qualified nutritionist about quality options)
  • Send mass text messages to contacts you appreciation but haven’t spoke with for a while. Tell them that even though it has been a while, you value their friendship and think of them with gratitude and appreciation.
  • One of our audience members brought up a great reminder tip of using music too. This is a wonderful way to wake up the energy.


What a wonderful time we had together sharing these incredibly amazing  tools and practices. I am so grateful to all of you who were there live and to all of you who are reading this now.

Let your light shine my friends!!

Love Peace Joy
– Gil

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