Graduate Call Notes 10-14-14: Emotional Intelligence and Present Moment Awareness

Thank you to everyone who was present for today’s call. I’m sure that even though the subject was quite complicated it was well received by all of you.

As you might have heard today we are addressing the single greatest challenge anyone in history has ever faced, transcending the ego. This is being accomplished with the practice of the 3 step clearing (elaborated in last week’s call) by cultivating present moment awareness and emotional intelligence. This 3 step practice is the simplest and most effective practice that I am aware of. At a total of 5 minutes a day it is easy to do. Simply practice non resistance through observing “what is” rather than giving meaning to what you observe. You are the awareness observing. When you react to what you observe with like or dislike, right or wrong, pleasure or pain, you are then mind identified and thus sustaining the challenge. The solution is to dis-identify from the mind without resisting. That’s the fastest track I know of.

One of the essential tools used to assist in communicating the nature of today’s call was the map of consciousness. I gained access to my copy of this map from the Institute of Advanced Spiritual Research in Sedona Arizona. This map was organized by the late Dr. David Hawkins. For more information about this map you can refer to the book “Power vs. Force” by Dr. Hawkins. I post it here for reference.

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We discussed the fact that the mind on this scale, with all its assets and liabilities, encompasses the qualities of consciousness found below 500. Below 200 is where we find all resistance. We know resistance is the language and evidence of blocks. So quite literally, all qualities of consciousness below 200 can be looked at as unconscious reactions; meaning “You” did not choose them when they arise.

All blocks survive in your absence; they cannot survive in your presence. Presence is the antidote to suffering. Presence is associated with the qualities of consciousness above 500. My presentation asserts that the qualities of consciousness between 500 and 700 are literally the soul. The nature of the soul is awareness, it is presence and its emotional correlations are Love Peace and Joy.

It is safe to say that awareness is more representative of the truth of your own being than your mind or your body. Awareness notices without giving meaning. Meaning comes from the mind and is based on conditioning. Awareness is the observer. Awareness is the One that observes what is. As soon as we give meaning or judgment to what we are observing we are thinking. Thinking happens in the mind.

Observing happens in Being. So Observing, Awareness, Presence, Love, Peace, and Joy are all qualities of your authentic Soul nature. This is where choice is available. Eckhart Tolle, in the Power of Now says that “choice begins the moment you dis-identify from the mind and its conditioned patterns”.

An extremely significant aspect of Present Moment Awareness is Choice.

So what do you do with choice? You cultivate the skill emotional intelligence. I use the word intelligence to mean the ability to change by realizing the outcome. So then, emotional intelligence is the ability to modify one’s own emotion by realizing the outcome of the current emotion.

Emotional intelligence is the science of the law of attraction. If you ever want to discuss the law of attraction with someone who is academically minded, simply use the term emotional intelligence and I promise you your conversation will last longer and be much more productive.

We know that thoughts and emotions have an electromagnetic field. We know that the electromagnetic field of an emotion is up to 500 times stronger than thought. Emotional intelligence then is a skill used to cultivate the power of the Law of Attraction.   This is the significance of Emotional Intelligence

Present Moment Awareness and Emotional Intelligence are the 2 Keys to empowerment. By feeding what you want and starving what you don’t want with the power of choice, one is able to create one’s own reality with reliability and skill.

Thank you everyone for a wonderful call encompassing these beautiful topics. It truly is a pleasure and an honor to share these empowering insights with each of you.


Gil McIff

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