Graduate Call Notes 11-4-14: Perspective

What is perspective?

Perspective is the way we see the world and is determined in large part by our subconscious or core beliefs. It is like wearing a pair of tinted glasses. Our beliefs create the tint (prism) that we are looking through. This prism reflects and reshapes things to fit our beliefs. Have you ever had something you have said be taken differently than you meant it?

Is perspective truth?

Yes, perspective is truth for that person. This is one reason people argue. And when we are clouded by emotion, things that are being said get filtered or twisted by our clouded perspective and can be taken differently than they were meant. Have you ever had something you have said be taken differently than you meant it? You will always come up with theories that support your beliefs whether they are right or wrong.

If I am in a discussion with someone where there is a disagreement or differing ideas, it helps to say “that is an interesting perspective, can you help me understand it better? This can lead to opening your perspective and create the more positive energy for you to explain your perspective which could open their mind.

Whenever there is emotion in a discussion, that energy affects the other person’s energy. This is fine if the energy is positive. But if the energy is negative it brings out that same energy in the other person. Now both party’s perspectives are clouded and narrow. This leaves little room for a positive result.

We want to maintain a clear perspective which allows us to see a bigger picture, and the clearer, bigger picture I see the more aware I am. This becomes very important as we are moving towards our dreams. If I have a narrow, clouded perspective I might not be aware of, or even worse, dismiss a great opportunity or idea. A clear perspective allows me to be more in tune with inspiration.

A great way to maintain a clearer perspective is to become consciously aware of the emotional triggers inside of us. Create the habit of recognizing and catching the triggers. As soon as you catch the trigger it takes the emotional energy from it and you now get to choose how to respond instead of having an automatic emotional reaction. You can then choose to just let it go. This can be referred to as starve what you don’t want and feed what you do want.

Another way to maintain a clearer perspective is to use the color breathing technique. If the emotional reaction happens and you physically feel it somewhere in your body, like in your stomach or chest, just give it a color. Then while focusing on that color in your body, take in a nice big breath and let the air go in and surround the color and absorb some of the color. Then exhale and see the color leave your mouth as you blow the color out of your body. Continue taking deep breaths allowing the air to absorb more and more of the color, blowing it out of your body until it is completely gone.

Identifying the beliefs where the trigger are coming from and using any number of clearing techniques to clear the emotional charge is also very important.

So if we change our clear the beliefs that are not serving us, we will change our perspective, which in turn will affect our behavior.

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