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The Three Questions That Turn People Around

To turn people around (from drugs, alcohol, depression, or anything that doesn’t serve them!): Find a way to agree with them, when they are whining and in victimhood: “Yes, I know. That must have been horrible for you. It was lousy for me, too!” Then: 1. How do you want your life to go? What do you wish would happen? 2. Describe it to me? (suspend all judgment!) 3. Why does that feel good to you? What about that makes you feel happy? Then, “That sounds like a happy future […]

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I-Phone Apps and Hypnovisualization

An interview by Janeen Detrick with Dr. Norman Miller Dr. Miller, a professor of dentistry, realized that he could help students gain confidence to succeed, by guiding them through visualizations of themselves succeeding. He would guide the students to see themselves in the future. He became a student ombudsman and decided that he wanted to further that practice. He teaches that we dream our successes way before we act on them. We get confident as we visualize it in great detail. Dr. Miller decided to use I-Phone applications […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 7-19-2011

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The Ten Truths

The Ten Truths A synopsis of Og Mandino’s teachings in his book The Greatest Salesman In The World. 1. Today I shed my old skin, and am a new person. 2. I will greet this day with LOVE in my heart! 3. I will persist until I succeed, without attachment to having it happen in any particular way. 4. I am nature’s great miracle. I will fan the flame of divine dissatisfaction, and continue growing and expanding! 5. I will live this day as if it is my last! 6. […]

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The Seven Steps To Making Permanent Change

The Seven Steps To Making Permanent Change: 1) Know what you want; Be clear. We do not “find” our purpose; We create it! 2) Identify what is holding you back. Do you need to upgrade your skills? 3) Use emotional memory to link the unwanted behavior to pain. 4) Create an empowering alternative; Find a new pattern; Link the new behavior to pleasure! 5) Scramble the memories that don’t feel good to you. How? While you’re thinking about the incident or belief that makes you feel badly, do something ridiculous! […]

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Radical Re-Framing Visualization

This process will change your emotional memory of any event or situation which currently troubles you. Molestation? Fear of heights? A Robbery? Being served divorced papers? Whatever it is, is it CURRENTLY in this present moment, happening to you? The answer is probably “No”. So, where is it happening, because it’s really real to you, isn’t it? Where is it happening? The answer is….in your head. It’s happening in your head. And, since it’s only happening in your head, you can change it in your head! Make sense? Step 1: […]

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Beating the drum of your current reality, causes you to keep creating it!

What do I mean by that? I mean that if you keep complaining about your lousy life, the way it currently is, you will continue to create that same lousy life, over and over again! And why is this? Because you cause your body to vibrate in accordance with what you are thinking about, which is all the lousy circumstances you have now, so your cells shoot all these strings of energy out into your energy field, then out into the ether, and all matching vibrational energy is attracted to […]

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The Science Behind How The Law Of Attraction Works:

The Science Behind How The Law Of Attraction Works: Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and String Theory. Most people are familiar with the Law of Attraction, but frequently they wonder, “How does it work? What makes what I want ‘come to me’?” Some could assert that it doesn’t matter HOW it works! “Who cares? As long as it works!” And it does, in fact, work; ALWAYS! NO EXCEPTIONS; YOU GET WHAT YOU ARE “VIBRATING” ABOUT! Let me explain that a bit; The Universe doesn’t speak English; It speaks “VIBRATION”. If you […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-7-2010: The Eight Differenty Types of Intelligences

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Self Esteem Process

1) Breathe deeply and slowly. 2) Imagine you are at a desk writing your autobiography. 3) Imagine someone who loves you is looking at you, through a glass door. Describe what that person is like. 4) Imagine you are now the person who loves you. Notice you, as you are at that desk, notice the thoughts you hear inside the head of the person who loves you, what they say about you. 5) Describe what you saw when you are looking at yourself through the eyes of love. 6) Deeply […]

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