The Seven Steps To Making Permanent Change

The Seven Steps To Making Permanent Change:

1) Know what you want; Be clear. We do not “find” our purpose; We create it!

2) Identify what is holding you back. Do you need to upgrade your skills?

3) Use emotional memory to link the unwanted behavior to pain.

4) Create an empowering alternative; Find a new pattern; Link the new behavior to pleasure!

5) Scramble the memories that don’t feel good to you. How? While you’re thinking about the incident or belief that makes you feel badly, do something ridiculous! Jump up and down and flail your arms and legs, while yelling! This scrambles the brain synapses on that memory!

6) Condition the new pattern. Do it for 30 days.

7) Test it, in your thoughts. Visualize what your response would be if you were in the previously feared situation; You’ll train yourself to respond the new, chosen way!

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