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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 8-17-15

Questions discussed on this call: Dr. Hew Len has said, ”Jesus said love your enemies…..Your enemy is the memories that are playing.” Can you elaborate or add any insights? Dr. Hew Len has talked about the state of “Zero” (where you have no data feed), and commented that It is then that you can build on inspiration. Can you give us more understanding on this? Can you give some insight into the true nature of ego? Is ego an illusion? Many of us struggle with being sabotaged by mixed messages. […]

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Dealing with Anger, Resentment and Unforgiveness

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick. First, realize that there is nothing to forgive! You attracted the event so you could learn the lesson of the event, so they didn’t DO anything TO you! They did it for you, and it was very likely a sacred contract they made with you from before the both of you got here to this temporal world. So, adding meaning that there is something to forgive means that you are adding meaning that you are a victim of whatever happened! BUT YOU WEREN”T! You actually, […]

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Ongoing education

Ongoing education in all aspects of your life! Indian Nobel Prize winning poet and playwright, RabindrahathTagore, says, “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence. Since we know our minds are capable of much more than we generally use it for, why nor continue learning throughout our lifetime? Not to mention the many, many rich and famous people who have grown rich and famous with little or no formal education! Author and speaker Jim Rohn says it […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your External Facets 12-18-2012

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Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life; Living the Wisdom of the Tao

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer A synopsis in poetry form by Janeen J. Detrick Accomplish everything you could desire never striving; Peace require! Choosing happiness is The Way Do happiness now; Decide today! Be creative and with caution Strength under control is meekness Meakness is not weakness. Knowing who you really are Seek guiding others who are seeking The simple life is where it’s at! Attachment to things you create blocks that. Everything happens just as it should No matter how tough, you would will that it would! Question all you […]

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Lou Holtz’s 3 rules of life

From Mr. Harvey McKay “Everybody needs four things in life: Something to do, someone to love, someone to believe in and something to hope for.” I wish I had said that, but it was my very close friend Lou Holtz. I recently invited Lou to speak to a professional group I am mentoring and he was his usual outstanding self. It’s no wonder that the Washington Speakers Bureau calls Lou one of the best speakers in the world. I’ve heard Lou speak a hundred times, and he still amazes me […]

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Select thoughts, OR NOT!

Do you think you’re the victim of your thoughts? You think you have no control, and whatever your thoughts are, you think you can’t help it; “This is just the way I AM”, you say. NONSENSE! Did you know that there’s NO SUCH THING as “the way I AM”? As if something outside of you INFLICTED IT upon you, and you’re just the victim of it! You actually get to RE-INVENT YOURSELF! Decide how you WANT TO BECOME, and choose to think thoughts and take actions that move you in […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Duality 11-15-2011

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Living in the moment

By Janeen J. Detrick John Sims, a Crown Diamond in Amway, taught, “What do you think about when you don’t have to think? If you can conquer that, then you will always be ‘in the moment’.” Thich Naht Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness, 1975 Story of Thich Naht Hanh and the doing of dishes. At first, he hated doing the dishes! After he learned to be present with the dishes, keeping his mind on them, observing them, and noticing the prisms they created on the walls, and the colors in […]

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The Science Behind How The Law Of Attraction Works

The Science Behind How The Law Of Attraction Works: Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and String Theory. By Janeen Detrick Most people are familiar with the Law of Attraction, but frequently they wonder, “How does it work? What makes what I want ‘come to me’?” Some could assert that it doesn’t matter HOW it works! “Who cares? As long as it works!” And it does, in fact, work; ALWAYS! NO EXCEPTIONS; YOU GET WHAT YOU ARE “VIBRATING” ABOUT! Let me explain that a bit; The Universe doesn’t speak English; It speaks […]

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