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Why do we experience “duality”?

Most people use the word duality to express the condition of separateness , which is an expression of ego that causes us to judge other people as being “less than” we are or “bad”. This causes suffering, as we try to eliminate that which we consider “bad”. Quarrels, disassociation, personal suffering, and even war are the result of experiencing “separateness”, or “duality”. The energy conveyed by words is very important, and our commonly used language actually reinforces “duality”. If we want to raise societal consciousness, so we see that we […]

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The Mayan Calendar System

A BRIEF synopsis by Janeen J. Detrick Most of the information contained herein is taken from the book The Mayan Factor, (1987) by Jose Arguelles The Mayan Calendar is not merely a system of discerning which day of the week it is! The Mayans discerned a system of repeating cycles in nature, and discovered that the mathematics the universe is based upon could predict events that would transpire at a precise time in the future, when all of those same cycles aligned again! The repetition of the cycle creates the […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Healing Principle 10-25-2011

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“Any feeling fully felt, transforms into bliss!”

Buddhism teaches, “Any feeling fully felt, transforms into bliss!” A synopsis of the steps involved in exercising this technique for transforming negativity within us! By Janeen Detrick Feel the feeling: 1. Get alone 2. Divinity within me, I’m going to allow to feel this feeling, with the understanding that you will give me new insights and epiphanies that set me free and that will enable me to release this energy, so it becomes bliss. 3. Full feel with no resistance. 4. Don’t try to make the epiphanies come; they just […]

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The 16 Sub Laws to The Law of Attraction

I consider these the 16 steps to the “Divine Order of Things” bringing back to you all the things you have been feeling about! But the book from which I learned these is in the public domain, and is called “Message of A Master”. Each one builds upon the previous one, to bring to you what you want! 1. The Law of Ignorance (A first, you can’t see “how”!) 2. The Law of Revelation (Believing, it will be shown to you!) 3. The Law of Anticipation (Then you get a […]

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Mood Therapy; Feelings Are Not Facts!

Moods are somewhat different than emotions. Emotions are a direct result of thoughts we have been holding, and therefore have an identified cause. Moods, however, are a background feeling we are having, and have no directly identifiable cause, but are created as a result of the relationship between our physiological energy level, the tension we feel in our bodies, and the stressful way in which we respond to the situations in our lives. The three causes of moods are: 1) The meaning we add to the events in our lives. […]

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The 10 steps to Prosperous Living

The 10 steps to Prosperous Living 1. Acknowledge the past, then let it go; You needed what it taught you! Remember: The past happened ONE MOMENT ago! 2. Paperwork handling: Do it, Delete it, or delegate it! OHIO: ONLY HANDLE IT ONCE! 3. Complete all assignments and agreements. Go back and apologize and make restitution if necessary, so you have a clear conscience! 4. List 100 successes! “I learned to walk” I graduated kindergarten the class favorite., etc. 5. Acknowledge each and every success all along the way in your […]

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5 Blessings that will change your life!

It’s all about laying down resistance, and allowing everything! The reason this is so effective for attracting what you WANT, is this… If there is no negative energy inside you against anything, then you can’t attract those things that you have no energy inside of you regarding. So, you never attract what you really don’t want! Be for what you are for, and don’t be against anything! 1. I bless everything that I used to hate: I get to have preferences, but I allow every thing else, too. Politics; I […]

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Perspective Flipping

There are only three things we can change: 1. The word pictures we use to describe things. 2. Our perspective. 3. Our procedures. The purposes of this article, let’s consider the second one; Perspective Flipping: Seeing things from the perspective of Others. Accept this truth: Everything I see is only partially correct, as mine is only one of the myriad of perspectives there might be on any subject! When two people are upset, they are not seeing one another’s perspectives. To repair the “rift”, allow yourself to hear the other […]

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The Eight Types of Intelligence

Psychologist Howard Gardner has identified the following distinct types of intelligence in his Multiple Intelligences Theory (“MI Theory”) in the book “Frames of Mind.” The types of Intelligences that he has identified are intrapersonal (ability to recognize and understand one’s own feelings) and interpersonal (the ability to recognize and comprehend other people’s feelings), logical, linguistic, visual (spatial), kinesthetic (movement), and musical. My purpose in this brief article is to help parents identify their child’s strengths, and conversely to recognize areas which need encouragement in order to be developed. For the […]

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