The Mayan Calendar System

A BRIEF synopsis by Janeen J. Detrick
Most of the information contained herein is taken from the book The Mayan Factor, (1987) by Jose Arguelles

The Mayan Calendar is not merely a system of discerning which day of the week it is! The Mayans discerned a system of repeating cycles in nature, and discovered that the mathematics the universe is based upon could predict events that would transpire at a precise time in the future, when all of those same cycles aligned again! The repetition of the cycle creates the same “charge”, indicating that the same kind of events will occur. It describes these events both mathematically AND symbolically, using 13 numbers, 20 signs, and five directions (North, South, East, West, and Center).

The system can be used to align our biorhythms in order to breathe with the universal breath. It can assist us in making the best use of our time, because we can organize our efforts at the time when our energies will be best able to accomplish the desired end, and rest when rest is in our best interest!

The Mayans used predominately the lunar calendar, which they referred to as the “galactic” calendar, because all of the other planets were considered based on their relation to the moon, but they also considered the influence of the sun upon the lunar system.

The thirteen numbers each indicate qualities, possess a power, have an essence, and a related action associated with that number. They use numbers 1 through 13, and they do have a zero, however zero is the space in between, the place where god lives. Their calendar does not use the zero, because time is a tool for our perception, and they saw these cycles themselves as a universal power (a “god”) to create these cycles for our benefit.

The calendar vivifies the interpretation of each number by adding one of 20 symbols, or “signs”. The signs are names like “dragon”, “dog”, “wind”, “night”, “seed”. Etc. It is nearly impossible to study the Mayan Calendar and NOT see the correlations with other systems such as Chinese Astrology, and The Book of The Revelation in the New Testament! It’s amazing to realize that peoples across the globe were receiving very similar inspirations!

13 x 20 is 260, and that is the number of days in the Mayan Sacred Year. The Sun Year has 360 days, plus five more, which are considered unlucky days!

To learn more about the Mayan Calendar system, read Jose’s book! It makes it very easy to implement this system for “breathing with the universe” so you can use align your biorhythms with that of the Universe!


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