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Learning to be an Optimist!

By Janeen J. Detrick Good news, Pessimists; Optimism CAN be learned! Eleanor Roosevelt: “The past is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift; That’s why we call it ‘the present’.” People who are optimistic have generally adopted the belief that there is a reason for everything that happens, even if they can’t see what that reason is! French Proverb: We often meet our destiny on the road we took to avoid it. Vaclav Havel, former President of Czeoslovakia: “Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out […]

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Emotional Maturity

By Janeen J. Detrick The study of the eight different types of intelligences reveals that there is one major difference between “Social Intelligence”, and “Emotional Intelligence”. Social intelligence is characterized by an ability to understand and manage relationships with other people. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage the relationship One has with ONESELF. Social intelligence is INTER-PERSONAL, and emotional intelligence in INTRA-PERSONAL. And you know what? A person can have one and not the other! A person can have excellent social skills, but not have a clue […]

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The 10 steps to Prosperous Living

1. Acknowledge the past, then let it go; You needed what it taught you! Remember: The past happened ONE MOMENT ago! 2. Paperwork handling: Do it, Delete it, or delegate it! OHIO: ONLY HANDLE IT ONCE! 3. Complete all assignments and agreements. Go back and apologize and make restitution if necessary, so you have a clear conscience! 4. List 100 successes! “I learned to walk” I graduated kindergarten the class favorite., etc. This is about noticing what YOU ARE, instead of what you’re NOT! 5. Acknowledge each and every success […]

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The Power of “WHY?”

“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it!”, Simon Sinek, Draw a Circle. Write in that circle, “why”. Now draw a bit larger circle around that one. Write inside that second circle, “how”. Now draw a third circle surrounding those two. Write in that largest circle, “what”. THIS IS CALLED THE GOLDEN CIRCLE, and we will see later in this article how it corresponds with the universal trilogies that govern EVERYTHING: Cosmology, Religious depictions of “God”, The Three Universal Laws, and even how our brains […]

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The Three Questions That Turn People Around

By Janeen J. Detrick To turn people around (from drugs, alcohol, depression, or anything that doesn’t serve them!): Find a way to agree with them, when they are whining and in victimhood: “Yes, I know. That must have been horrible for you. It was lousy for me, too!” Then: 1. How do you want your life to go? What do you wish would happen? 2. Describe it to me? (Suspend all judgment!) 3. Why does that feel good to you? What about that makes you feel happy? Then, “That sounds […]

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The Six Attributes of How Love Acts

By Janeen J. Detrick Part one Love is not an emotion! It becomes an emotion after it is applied as a verb. Think about it; All the great spiritual teachers have commanded us to LOVE (for our own good!) Can you command someone to have a feeling? Of course not! So, they were not commanding us to have a feeling; They were commanding us to “commit” an action, a verb. It may also be important to note that “commanding” us is just a way of strongly encouraging us to do […]

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Aestheticism and Valentine’s Day Ponderings

Over the weekend, Michael and I were driving to Grand Junction, CO, to see my family, for my Mom’s birthday celebration (She turns 84 today, and my big brother, who was murdered when I was 14, would be turning 62 today! He was born on my Mom’s 22nd birthday!) When we drive, we always listen to audio programs. We were listening to “50 spiritual classics”, by Tom Butler Bowden, in which he gives a synopsis of the 50 books which he deems most important to spiritual development. It’ was great! […]

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19 Rules of Prosperity

Special Guest Author, Leslie Householder, taught us the 19 Rules of Prosperity as taught through her award winning, national best seller The Jack Rabbit Factor. The 19 rules are detailed on her website, for free, at, where you can also download a free copy of the book!

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TAT Script

1. Everything that lead to this (state the problem or feeling)_________ happened. And I resonated, identified and connected with it. 2. Everything that lead to this (state the problem or feeling)_________ happened. Whatever contributed to this is now over. And it’s okay for me to relax and let go. I no longer need to identify, resonate, or hold on to the things that contributed to this issue. I no longer choose to resonate, identify or hold on to them. 3. All the origins of this problem are healed now. 4. […]

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Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed is always a symptom of not being in the moment. Your body is HERE, but your mind is thinking about something else that you “get” to do! Feeling overwhelmed SERVES you to cause you to recognize when you are not in the moment, and also may be your unconscious mind signaling you that you have items in your life that do not move your life mission forward, so therefore, you will not have the energy to accomplish it! Your unconscious mind and your feelings serve you to show […]

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