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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 2-15-16

Questions discussed on this call: Is visualization is more about heart energy than mental energy? Will it help to come up with a “Sign” or “Symbol” to help me “Let Go” of outcomes? How would you recommend raising the overall vibration in my work place? You often ask “Who are 3 people (beside myself) that will benefit or gain from my goal?” If it’s something I really want, can’t it just be for my benefit alone? There’s a lot of buzz going on about the lottery. Do you approve of […]

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Graduate Call Notes 10-28-14: October Recap and Clarification – Emotional Intelligence, Present Moment Awareness, Attachment, Aversion, and Surrender

The first question of our conversation was about how to realize our authentic nature. This is the big one! This is, in my opinion, among the most significant questions that can be asked. The beginning of this answer is addressed by pointing more clearly to what is not authentic nature. To do this we used the map of consciousness again. Everything below 500 on the scale is qualities of consciousness associated with mind/body. Below 200 are the resistant liabilities; fear, anger, worry, sadness, regret, stress, blame, etc. 200-500 are the […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 10-20-14

Questions discussed on this call: The holiday season can be a financially stressful time for many. What do recommend for someone who might be easily prone to stress? The holiday season is commonly associated with food, treats, snacks, and more treats. What do you do each day to stay disciplined in your eating habits without creating a feeling of deprivation? I want to start an exercise habit now so I have momentum going into the new year. How to I prepare mentally to endure the discomfort of starting an exercise […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 9-15-14

Questions discussed on this call: How do you attract people to your service who are willing to pay so the business actually works? And at the same time how do you help those who say they cannot afford it? In other words be able to work for both those who can pay, and support those in need (charity). You speak about surrounding yourself and working with people who are like minded or who can support you. Have you some suggestions as to how one can begin to meet these people […]

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Graduate Call Notes 8-5-14: Inspired Action Steps

There’s a huge difference between taking action in order to make something happen and taking inspired action, which is moving with the energy in motion (inertia!). The key is to recognize when you’re trying to make things happen, instead of allowing them to happen. Forcing action out of a belief that you are “supposed to do something”, is of the ego, and feels heavy! Those egoistic impulses come from the mind, but inspired action impulses flow from the HEART, UP, rather than from the HEAD, DOWN. Welcome, and thank you for joining us! We had a […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 7-21-14

PLEASE NOTE: WE EXPERIENCED SOME TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES RECORDING THIS CONFERENCE CALL. UNFORTUNATELY WE WERE ONLY ABLE TO CAPTURE THE LAST 30 MINUTES OF THE CALL. WE APOLOGIZE FOR THIS INCONVENIENCE. Questions discussed on this call: What are some techniques you use to make Nevillizing more effective and or meaningful? Language barrier often causes students to confuse Surrender with giving up. Can you elaborate on how releasing or “Surrendering” outcomes to a higher power is really more ACTIVE than PASSIVE? If you were forced to set all learning aside and could […]

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Comprehending How it is That We Won’t Always Know How!

You might be worried that you don’t know how you will accomplish your life mission. So what! The way the brain works is that everything you have ever seen, both subliminally and peripherally, is collected as an energetic imprint in the unconscious mind. Then, it is vibrated through the visual cortex, then vibrated through the optic nerve, then that energetic imprint is refracted back against the optic lens, and vibrated back though the optic nerve into the cerebellum, where you interpret the data!  What that means is you see only […]

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The Three Fundamental Triggers Than Can Hook Us

Underlying every problem we think we have or see are these three errors. We think we are the thoughts that occur to us. We aren’t! They are shared and in the collective consciousness. Use the “thought technique”: EEWWW! That thought can’t be me, because I don’t like it. I feel sorry for the person who vibrated that thought from their heart and shot it out into the thought field. I send them love; I send them love; I send them love; I send them love. This transforms the thought impulse […]

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The Meditation- Get comfortable, sit with a straight spine. Your back is not supported, at the edge of a chair not sitting back, not in bed, not lying down. Slow down breathing – slower and deeper through the nose. If it helps, count. Inhale 5 counts exhale 5 counts, inhale 6 – exhale 6, in 7 – ex 7, and go as far as it’s comfortable. If necessary take a regular breath but come back to the deep slow breathing. Heart centered focus – bring awareness to the heart and […]

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3 Step Clearing

Feeding what you want is easy; the emphasis is placed on starving what you don’t want with your thoughts and feelings. Your habitual state of consciousness is the number one factor influencing your personal experiences. Check in 10+ times a day with the Question “How do I feel right now?” You can use a reminder app on your phone, an alarm on your phone, sticky notes placed in random places, paint one fingernail different from the rest, wear your watch on the opposite arm, or put a bandage on your […]

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