
Life Mission Statements

The purpose of a life mission statement is to lift and inspire you! Your purpose doesn’t have to be grandiose in anyone else’s eyes, but if it is grandiose, allow that, too! Assignment: Print out a list of feeling words, adjectives, and power words to help you construct it. 1. Make it in the present tense, as if it already IS accomplished! Not, “I want to….” 2. The WHAT (that you want to accomplish)does belong, however the HOWS (goals) do NOT belong in the mission statement! 3. Opening phrase: “My […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 5-24-2011: Mission Statements

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“The Ten Things In Your Refrigerator That Are Killing You”

“The Ten Things In Your Refrigerator That Are Killing You” 1) Sugar, an addictive inflammatory! 2) MSG, disguised as “natural flavors”! 3) Soda pop, and especially diet soda pop! 4) Transfats, hydrogenated fats and partially hydrogenated fats. 5) Soy! And you though it was healthy! 6) Anything acidic; Especially water! You body wants to be alkaline. Drink alkaline water! 7) Phosphates! It interferes with parathyroid activity. 8) Caffeine; It’s a diuretic! 9) Milk: nutritionally, you stopped needing it at age one! Consider almond milk! 10) Any and all processed foods; […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 5-23-11

Questions answered on this call: I am struggling with believing in what I am attracting. What can I do to learn how to believe? If I do not believe in what I am attracting, does that mean I will not receive inspiration? How do I stay positive when nothing seems to go the way I plan? What are the best techniques to heal myself of sickness and disease? How do I strengthen my relationship with the divine? I desire to have a great relationship with the divine, but I am […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 5-17-2011: Guest Speaker

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 5-10-2011: The Energy of Plants and Animals

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 5-3-2011: Guest Speaker Michael Steadman

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 4-26-2011: How to Forgive

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 4-19-2011: Ways to Develop Faith and Trust

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 4-18-11

Questions answered on this call: What are some exercises that I can do to be more confident? What are some things I can do to accept who I am? I am trying to lose weight and I am having a hard time accepting who I am now. I am building a website and I want to know if you have any tips to get to the top of the search engines. What can I do to get more traffic to my site? Do you have any practical money making ideas […]

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