
Conference Call with Joe Vitale 6-27-11

Questions answered on this call: How do I break the feeling of Guilt? I want to move away from my family and feel like it would be healthy. I am 52 years old and I really need to live on my own for once in my life, but I feel so guilty, what do I do? Will you please review the options process? Joe, what are three specific action steps that I can take to attract the person of my dreams? Recently I learned about something called the language of […]

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Mood Therapy; Feelings Are Not Facts!

Moods are somewhat different than emotions. Emotions are a direct result of thoughts we have been holding, and therefore have an identified cause. Moods, however, are a background feeling we are having, and have no directly identifiable cause, but are created as a result of the relationship between our physiological energy level, the tension we feel in our bodies, and the stressful way in which we respond to the situations in our lives. The three causes of moods are: 1) The meaning we add to the events in our lives. […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 6-21-2011

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Allowing Script Example: Attracting Negative People

A student asked a question of how to discharge the energy of continuously attracting negative people. She says she has been focused on attracting positive people, but still, only negative people come into her life! The solution? Write an “allowing script.”  Allowing scripts discharge the negative energy inside us AGAINST whatever it is we are AGAINST (like the fear of attracting negative people). When we have no energy inside us on the issue, how can we possibly attract it? We tackle it from ALL directions, allowing EVERYTHING, and RESISTING nothing! […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 6-14-2011

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The 10 steps to Prosperous Living

The 10 steps to Prosperous Living 1. Acknowledge the past, then let it go; You needed what it taught you! Remember: The past happened ONE MOMENT ago! 2. Paperwork handling: Do it, Delete it, or delegate it! OHIO: ONLY HANDLE IT ONCE! 3. Complete all assignments and agreements. Go back and apologize and make restitution if necessary, so you have a clear conscience! 4. List 100 successes! “I learned to walk” I graduated kindergarten the class favorite., etc. 5. Acknowledge each and every success all along the way in your […]

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The Sedona Method

The Sedona Method, by Hale Dwoskin, is an application of Lester Levenson’s work, which he originally called “Thought Field Therapy.” It is a psycho-therapeutic method for analyzing and releasing negative feelings. Many additional renditions of this amazingly simple releasing method have been popularized through internet marketing, including E.F.T., the Emotional Freedom Technique, or “The Tapping Cure”. The Sedona Method uses no meridian stress point tapping, as does E.F.T., however they can be used in conjunction, to further deepen and quicken the intended response. The Sedona Method uses a series of […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 6-7-2011

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 5-31-2011

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Letting Go Of Attachments

There are three kinds of attachments, each requiring their own new perspective in order to be able to detach for them. 1. Temporal possessions. Remember, you can have anything you want, as long as you don’t need it! This attachment also indicates the absence of appreciation or even recognition of the hand of the divine in your life already; Lack of appreciation! 2. Prestige/Reputation/Outcome (intangible benefits). Craving for significance always comes from the ego! Does the Divine rely upon exterior validation to feel good? 3. “Special Relationships”: Reference A Course […]

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