“The Ten Things In Your Refrigerator That Are Killing You”

“The Ten Things In Your Refrigerator That Are Killing You”

1) Sugar, an addictive inflammatory!
2) MSG, disguised as “natural flavors”!
3) Soda pop, and especially diet soda pop!
4) Transfats, hydrogenated fats and partially hydrogenated fats.
5) Soy! And you though it was healthy!
6) Anything acidic; Especially water! You body wants to be alkaline. Drink alkaline water!
7) Phosphates! It interferes with parathyroid activity.
8) Caffeine; It’s a diuretic!
9) Milk: nutritionally, you stopped needing it at age one! Consider almond milk!
10) Any and all processed foods; They have no live enzymes! They are dead food!

Plus, “The way to Eat” and
The Supplements You Need”

By special guest Dr. Stan Gardner, medical doctor who has transcended into holistic health.

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