
Brain Physiology and Success

THERE ARE THREE PARTS TO THE BRAIN Brain Stem Limbic System Neocortex All three parts of the brain are connected through a series of nerve fibers.  The subconscious mind is found in the Brain Stem and in the Limbic System.  The conscious mind is found in the Neocortex.  Intuition, that little voice inside our heads, is found in all three parts of the brain. Brain Stem: The Brain Stem is the oldest part of the brain.  It is sometimes referred to as the Reptilian Brain, the Reactive Brain or the […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 12-2-14: 5 Steps of the Law of Attraction

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Protected: Graduate Call 11-25-14: Questions and Answers

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Graduate Call Notes 11-18-14: Goal Setting and Letting Go

Goal setting is part of the creation process. Having goals gives our mind a specific intention to work towards. The power of having specific written goals was brought out in a study at Harvard Business School. Students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all. Ten years later, the […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 11-17-14

Questions discussed on this call: You talk about “active gratitude” being one of the most important principles in the law of attraction. What if I’m not sure what gratitude feels like. How do I know if I’m feeling gratitude? Talk about the concept of “Nevillizing.” Nevillizing outcomes makes sense, but how does one nevillize gratitude? My coach is helping me work on how to be grateful for experiences that I have given a negative meaning to. How can I get better at this so I no longer see the experience […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 11-18-14: Setting Goals and Letting Go

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Graduate Call Notes 11-11-14: Creating Belief

The two main tools we use to create subconscious belief are visualization and affirmations. These are also tools to feed what you want. We have talked a lot about feed what you want, starve what you don’t want. When we say feed and starve we are referring to emotion. This means that visualization and affirmations get their power from emotion. We understand that our subconscious mind reacts to emotion, repetition, and action. This is why tools of creation get their power from emotion, and repetition. Let’s talk about visualization first. […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 11-11-14: Creating Belief

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Graduate Call Notes 11-4-14: Perspective

What is perspective? Perspective is the way we see the world and is determined in large part by our subconscious or core beliefs. It is like wearing a pair of tinted glasses. Our beliefs create the tint (prism) that we are looking through. This prism reflects and reshapes things to fit our beliefs. Have you ever had something you have said be taken differently than you meant it? Is perspective truth? Yes, perspective is truth for that person. This is one reason people argue. And when we are clouded by […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 11-4-14: Perspective – Seeing the Big Picture

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