Graduate Call Notes 11-11-14: Creating Belief

The two main tools we use to create subconscious belief are visualization and affirmations. These are also tools to feed what you want. We have talked a lot about feed what you want, starve what you don’t want. When we say feed and starve we are referring to emotion. This means that visualization and affirmations get their power from emotion. We understand that our subconscious mind reacts to emotion, repetition, and action. This is why tools of creation get their power from emotion, and repetition.

Let’s talk about visualization first. Visualization is simply imagining the future as if it is real now. But again, the real power comes from the emotion. One way to help stir emotion in your visualizations is to involve your senses. Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. Another way is music. Music is a great way to really bring the feelings. The process to create powerful visualizations and affirmations is to first have the written goal. Next, ask yourself why you want that goal. The why is what you visualize. Go there in your mind and ask what do I see, what do I hear, what do I smell? This will make your visualization as real as possible.

The process for affirmations is the same except we take it one step further. When you have your why and you go there in your mind, the emotion that comes up is how you start your affirmation. So if the feeling I get is satisfaction for example, I would start the affirmation with, I love the satisfaction I feel when I…..and then finish the affirmation with the description of what brought the feeling. By following this process you guarantee that every time you repeat the affirmation you will get those good feelings. Another point about affirmations, make them short, only one sentence. That way you can repeat them many times during the day. If you repeat an affirmation 12 to 15 times a day and it brings those good feelings every time, you will be having a pretty good day. But through repetitively feeling those great feelings over and over, day after day, you are creating belief. And once it becomes subconscious belief, nothing can stop it.

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