Conversational Networking Skills, part 2

1. Echoing, or Verbiage Matching
This is when you listen for the words they use, so that you are using their same terminology. If they talk about their “chalet”, don’t call it a “cabin”!

2. Parroting; Repeat the last phrase, adding a question mark.

3. Refrain from “One Up-manship”! Allow them to have their moment in the spotlight!

4. Making the “grape vine” be your friend; Allow your “target audience” to overhear your compliments! Don’t say them directly!

5. Observe, or watch your target audience, then, even after they are finished speaking, move your eyes away from them sloooowly. The energy of your focus will draw them to you!

6. Pivoting; After you have finally allowed your gaze to move to a new target, and the new target has noticed you, pivot your whole body facing them. This conveys interest and respect!

7. Remember to light up your whole face, eyes and smile, AFTER they have said something particularly charming! This conveys acceptance and approval.

By Janeen J. Detrick

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