Sixth Chakra: The “Third Eye” Chakra

By Janeen J. Detrick

Hi, everybody! Janeen here to talk with you about your sixth chakra. Your sixth chakra is the area all around and in your brain and is referred to as the “Third Eye” chakra. If you were a unicorn, this is where the horn would stick out of your head right between your eyebrows, and slightly higher. Your sixth chakra is responsible for your experience with thought processes, decision making, and also with intuitive decision making. Psychic talents, self-reflection, visualizing, imagination, perception, discernment, and how to develop clarity and trust your own intuition, all happen in the sixth chakra.

There are twin “demons” of the sixth chakra: illusion and denial. When a person suppresses their brain power with these self sabotaging behaviors, OR when these have been inflicted upon them through those who purport to love them, a person’s energy becomes clogged at the sixth chakra, and the person experiences an inability to make decisions, and an inability to visualize. When the flow of energy stays clogged here over a long period of time, the person can manifest dyslexic patterns, headaches, and potentially even brain cancer.

The color for the sixth chakra is indigo. When you need to enliven this area, wear blue/purple/indigo to give your third eye a big boost of energy!

There are several therapeutic gemstones for this chakra, but my personal favorite is Lapis Lazuli. I have used it extensively over the years to help strengthen my intuition and discernment, as well as to increase my ability to THINK!

The sound associated with this chakra is “LA”. The seventh chakra sound is “Ti”. From the first chakra up, the sounds go in this order; Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Ti. COOL, HUH? I’ll bet you recognize that! When you say that sound, it automatically opens up the associated chakra energies. When you slowly say each sound, in order, it moves the energy though all of your chakras, helping to open them and allow energy to flow freely through them. In case you don’t fancy yourself a singer, it is NOT necessary for you to sing the sound. Rather, just say it, and hold the vowel sound a bit longer than you would normally hold it. I like to hold it for as long as my exhale takes.

Next week I’ll write about the fifth chakra and it’s demons. When I’m finished with all of the chakras, I’ll teach you how to balance the chakras! If you just can’t wait, talk with the education advisers about sessions with me!

Talk to you next week!



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