Be Free

We all move exponentially closer to “being free”, and feeling fantastic, when we comprehend that ….
Nothing Out There can stir you up, if there’s nothing inside of you to stir!
No matter what it is that is or has happened to you, it would not have bothered you if you hadn’t been reeled in by it, or “hooked” into getting upset!

What does this mean?
It means that in our daily lives, you will never “freak out”, unless there’s something inside you that causes you to be “hooked” by what happened or by what was said to you.

Let me give you some examples;
A Mom freaks out that her teenage son wants to quit school. Why would that make her freak out? Because inside herself, she has a belief that only people who graduate from high school can “make it” in life. That belief would be her “hook”. Thinking that is what would cause her to become fearful that her son would “fail in life’. If she suspended that thought process, she could be free to RESPOND to her son, and help him consider the consequences of such a choice, instead of freaking out, and thus causing her son to push back, and become rebellious. NOT freaking out is a symptom of functioning in TRUST and LOVE, rather than fear.

Another example; The phone is ringing, the baby is crying, you havn’t yet finished writing out the checks to pay the bills, and someone comes to the door. “Good grief!”, you might be tempted to think, “When it rains, it pours!” Why would a scenario such as this, with many things going on all at once, make a person “hooked” into getting frustrated? Because they are thinking about all the other things they think they should be doing instead! The ability to be “hooked” in this example, is NOT being in the moment! IN the moment, you only have ONE thing to be doing! You can never feel overwhelmed when you are living in the moment. Now, this does not mean that you can’t plan, of course. But when you worry, that is not planning! So the “hook” inside you is simply that your brain is not in alignment with your body, which is in the NOW! Blessings can only come to us IN THE MOMENT.

Another example of having something inside you that “hooks” you; Your spouse suggests to you that your health is in peril because of the weight you have gained. If even reading that caused the hair to stand up on the back of your neck, you have a hook inside you related to this weight issue! Why would it bother you that someone says that to you? Well, first off, it was your SPOUSE, not just some stranger on the street! Doesn’t your spouse have a vested interest in your health? Of course! It’s their life your health is affecting! So the fact that it offended you is YOUR problem! That is YOUR HOOK. If you felt comfortable in your own skin, and accepted yourself at your current weight, then the fact that they THINK THAT would not have bothered you! You would simply have thought they were concerned for you and would have “noted” their comment or perspective, but it would not have upset you. You would not have allowed yourself to FEEL offended by it. No One can make you feel any certain way; That is up to you!

It doesn’t mean that you won’t NOTICE, or be aware, that other people are being critical, or whatever; It’s just that it won’t suck you in to it’s whirling vortex of madness! You’ll just thank them for sharing their perspective with you, and it won’t upset you!

It isn’t that you won’t NOTICE, or be aware, that there are bills you can only pay a small part of; It’s just that it won’t upset you, since you know money is on the way! If you don’t have any disbelief inside you that abundance is always flowing, then bills won’t upset you! You will see, as in pay attention to, what you CAN PAY ON that bill, rather than the big balance that will be remaining TO pay! If you don’t have hooks of “LACK” inside you, you will never get upset thinking there is lack!

It’s always and only inside you, if something upsets you. Find your hook, and change your way of thinking! Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” To help you discover what your “hooks” are. There is only FEAR or LOVE. Everything that bothers us comes down to not functioning from LOVE. We are afraid the Divine won’t take care of us! When you ask yourself these questions, then you are empowered to release those beliefs!
The second question to help you identify the energy inside you that has attracted this situation is, “What do I think this means?” Whatever meaning we attach to any event or situation, that IS the energy inside us that attracted it! The MEANING we give it is what has the potential to hook us into being upset!
Does this mean that everything other people are doing “TO YOU” is okay? Well….That’s a whole different discussion! However, you can’t “change the world” by trying to “make them” change! All that will do is further upset you!, and it won’t serve you! But you can, and ARE, changing yourself, so that none of it “hooks” you into getting upset.
Nothing “OUT THERE” can stir you up, if there’s nothing “INSIDE” of you to stir!


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