Conference Call with Joe Vitale 5-18-15

Questions discussed on this call:

  1. My coach and I have covered clearing. I’ve even experienced a noticeable shift in a number of my beliefs. However, I keep telling myself that there must be something else I’m not getting. How can I overcome thinking I need a magic bullet?
  2. I understand that the more grateful we are, the easier it is to manifest the things we want. Is there anything to suggest that if I share my experiences with others that it will also open me up even further to manifest my desires?
  3. What is transcendental meditation? Do you use it? Is it something I should be learning to do?
  4. I don’t except the notion of past lives. It just doesn’t feel true to me. What is your take on this? Is there something I’m missing?
  5. My coach recently expressed that I am not honoring my intentions because I’m not taking real action steps. I’ve, more or less, been waiting for the things I want to show up. Has my approach been reasonable?
  6. We are taught to think positively and have faith in our finances. Where’s is the dividing line between faith and foolish prospecting?
  7. I have done a lot of clearing work with my coach and it is working faster that I could have ever expected. Is there a way to create new empowering beliefs just as quickly?
  8. Do you ever write hypnotic letters to yourself to help you take more consistent or effective action?
    • Any suggestions on this?
    • If not, can we explore the possibility and how it might look or work?
  9. I recently attended a class, where the instructor talked about the placebo effect. Have you ever created a placebo for yourself?
  10. Personal development is an ever-evolving science. As new discoveries are made, is there ever a shift in mass consciousness that renders older theories obsolete?
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