Conference Call with Joe Vitale 3-16-15

Questions discussed on this call:

  1. What is the single most important principle or experience that has helped you to be where you are today?
  2. I am able to manifest small wins. This hasn’t really been an issue. But, how can I go from playing small to really playing big?
  3. It’s easy for me to be engaged and to have confidence when things are going well. How do I keep my confidence when things seem difficult or rocky?
  4. I have a spouse that doesn’t at all believe in the Law of Attraction. We have many of the same life goals but my spouse believes it will all come through hard work. Does the law of attraction favor us when only one of us believes or is trying to use the 5 steps to manifest our desired outcomes?
    – Does their non belief work against us in any way?

  5. The more comfortable and confident we become with the mental pictures we Nevilleize on, the easier it is to detach from the outcome. What are your thoughts or insights on this?
  6. I have started to Nevilleize for my friends and my family. But then I became worries that I was interfering in their life without their permission. Is this a false or limiting belief?
  7. Is there any possible way to become completely clear of negative programming. If so, how does one know when they have reached that point?
  8. Is it possible that the divine “Sends” us experiences we need even if we are not aware of the need? Is this in essence still a form of “Attracting” experiences to us?
  9. How much time should we spend Nevilleizing? Is it enough to do it just at night as we fall asleep and then to maintain our overall vibration throughout the day?
  10. Can you share the ancient Snaskrit clearing that you have spoken about? How did you come by it?
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