Conference Call with Joe Vitale 1-30-17

Questions discussed on this call:

  1. 1. You tell a lot of stories in your books. What is the advantage to using stories instead of just giving facts?
  2. 2. I have been trying to ask the universe for “this or something better”. How do I know if what is showing up is actually better or not?
  3. 3. What is meant by the inner child? Is this the same as my subconscious or my inner being?
  4. 4. Do you have any recommendations for making highly effective vision boards?
  5. 5. Do I have to spend time staring at my vision board, or does it work to have it somewhere that I see it without stopping to look at it?
  6. 6. I want to become an author but I am worried that people don’t know who I am. How can I attract an audience for my book?
  7. 7. I like doing Ho’Opono Pono and I feel better after I do it. Does this mean it’s working for me?
  8. 8. Should I make a list of times when I believe the law of attraction worked for me? Will this help my level of belief?
  9. 9. What is a good morning routine or activity to help me get into a more “attractive state” the rest of the day?
  10. 10. I think I heard you once say that you prefer intention over resolutions and that now you are even relying more on inspiration than intention. Can you explain this a bit more?
  11. 11. Does it help to have people thinking about your goals along with you and sharing intentions for your success?
  12. 12. What is the best way to get inspiration for my life mission? I know I’m meant to do something with personal development but I just don’t know what.
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