Attitude of Gratitude – The Magnetic Difference!

By Janeen Detrick

You’ve heard that it is important to develop an “attitude of gratitude”, but why is it important? How does this principle work, and are there any concrete steps we can take to adopt an attitude of gratitude, and thereby direct the success of our lives? If so, how? There are certain steps that ANYONE can take, no matter how negative they start out, that will change their attitude, and change their life! The purpose of this article is to empower the reader with the understanding of the science behind how the Law of Attraction works, so that he can use the principles to create the life he wants!

The Law of Attraction works on scientific, logical principles that are irrefutable! It matters not if you believe in it; it is science! It is quantum physics. It works regardless of whether or not you believe it, but understanding it and using it will empower you to be and do anything you want! When you understand these principles, you will be able to completely run your own brain, choose your feelings, and create the life you want!

The simple answer to the question of how the Law of Attraction and its fundamental principle of holding an Attitude of Gratitude works is this: Vibrational Frequency!
All matter is energy and has a vibrational frequency that it sends out from itself to everything around it. There is a vibrational frequency of a table, of a computer, of a dog, of a horse, of a person. Everything vibrates with energy, even thoughts.

In this article, I will only be able to give you an overview of the science of vibrational frequency, so there are two books that I recommend that go into more detail about the quantum physics of HOW the Law of Attraction works. These books are Coming of Age in the Milky Way, by Timothy Ferris, and also Rhythms of Vision, by Lawrence Blair. Both of these books are written in layman’s terms, so they are easily understood by even the most beginning students of the science of personal development.

The vibrational frequency that the Universe, or Source Energy is on, is the same vibrational frequency as GRATITUDE! This is a very high, fast paced vibration. When we are on this same frequency with the Universe, we are able to receive signals from the Universe regarding what we should undertake to do. When we are on a different frequency, we miss those signals, and pick up on signals that are emitted from lower, slower vibrational frequency energy fields. Negativity is on a very low, slow vibrational frequency.

With this understanding, now imagine a man walking into a room who is feeling grateful and happy. He radiates that high, fast paced vibrational frequency into the room, without even saying anything. The people who are feeling gloomy, depressed, and sick, are at a very low, slow vibrational frequency, so that they can not even pick up the signals that the happy man is sending! If they do pick up on his signals, they will encounter the choice of either accepting the correction to their energy field, or resisting it, and be repulsed by them, because the faster paced energy field HITS the low, slow energy field like a slap in the face! Conversely, the person who is happy will not desire to stay in the presence of the gloomy person, simply because the happy person won’t want a “wet blanket” thrown on his happy feelings! So the people who are gloomy will only feel comfortable around other people who are gloomy, and the people who are happy will only enjoy being around other happy people! This is why it is said that “like attracts like”, or “birds of a fetter flock together”. They radiate at the same vibrational frequency!

Later in this article, we’ll project this understanding out into life’s other encounters, and you will see how the Law of Attraction functions to bring experiences to you based on the frequency you radiate, but first, let me explain the physiological responses that happen INSIDE a person’s body as a result of the vibrational frequency of their thoughts.

It is important for you to recognize that attitudes are external manifestations of beliefs, and beliefs are a byproduct of the thoughts that drive them, so it is the thoughts that are the primary element of matter which creates vibrations in you and thus in your reality.

Suppose a person believes that life is hard, and money is difficult to make, and requires lots of grueling hours at the office. Believing this, what would his response be to the presentation of a money making opportunity that many other people are easily making large profits through, by just allowing their money to work for them, or perhaps the internet to work for them? What do you suppose his thoughts and subsequent feelings would be regarding that opportunity? Because he believes that money is difficult to earn, he will likely think that opportunity can’t possibly work! So, what’s the likelihood that he will take action on it? And if he doesn’t take action on it, what’s the likelihood that he could make money in that easy fashion? None at all! Now, the attitude that he will manifest toward the other people around him would be rather grumpy, negative, and disbelieving, right? So I ask you, would productive people who DO believe it will work, and who think they will succeed desire to be around Mr. Grumpy? Absolutely not! And why not??? Because being around Mr. Grumpy makes them feel lousy and sad! The only people who will want to be around Mr. Grumpy are other people who are also grumpy and negative and disbelieving, so they can all commiserate together about how lousy their lives are! Misery indeed does love company! Like attracts like! All the grumpy, disbelieving, negative people are drawn to each other and REPEL the happy, positive, faith promoting people! And they’re drawn to each other because they radiate at the same vibrational frequency.

Now let’s talk about what happens INSIDE Mr. Grumpy’s body, when he is vibrating at the low, slow frequency of negative thought. Inside a person’s brain, the vibrational frequency he is radiating at will trigger the release of chemicals that trigger the release of hormones that create feelings! The vibrations themselves create the brain’s reactions! When the frequency is low and slow, different chemicals get triggered than when the frequency is fast and high! Ask any athlete what feeling the release of endorphine into their body creates, and they’ll tell you EUPHORIA! And what are athletes trained to do in order to release this euphoria producing chemical? They are trained to think positive, exciting thoughts in order to release this marvelous, natural morphine into their bodies!

Negative thoughts trigger the release of serotonin uptake INHIBITORS, which prevent the flow of hormones that create happy feelings, and contribute to all manner of physical ailments beginning with hormonal imbalances and ending….well…never! So, literally, physiologically, negative thoughts will make you sick!

I was recently asked if this means that some illnesses are psychosomatic. The answer is a resounding YES! EVERYTHING IS PSYCHOSOMANTIC! EVERYTHING! Even the GOOD THINGS! The reality that manifests in your life starts with your thoughts, which vibrations trigger chemicals being released in your brain, which creates feelings, which sends out vibrations externally, which attracts things (energy, people, events, etc.) that are radiating at a similar frequency! When events come into a person’s life that are negative due to this attraction, the uninformed person will think negative thoughts about that event, which will trigger negative feelings, which will attract more negative events, which will prove to them that they’re right; Life is lousy!

Now, this gets really interesting. Let’s go back to the understanding that vibrations trigger the chemicals to be released in your brain. Have you learned yet about the Law of Expectation? The Law of Expectation is that whatever you believe to be true, you will find evidence that proves that you are right! How is it that the Law of Expectation works? Well, it’s because the chemicals released in your brain affect the optic nerves and other senses so that you literally don’t see, hear, smell, or feel much of anything that is vibrating at a frequency different than you are! You literally can only perceive things that are vibrating at the same frequency you are! It reminds me of traveling over to Europe, where the lights are on a different frequency than our lights here, so that you can literally SEE the slow blinking of the lights when you first arrive, and your vision hasn’t adjusted to it yet! Your vision sensors are on a different frequency than the lights are on! This also explains why we can’t SEE, with our physical eyes, angels and spirits, who radiate at a different frequency than we do.

Literally, when we begin to vibrate at the same high, fast paced frequency that the Universe, Divine, Source Energy, or God does, there will be no limit to what we can create by thinking right thoughts! And what are these “right thoughts”??? Remember, feeling the feeling of GRATITUDE puts us on the same vibrational frequency as “they” are on. And that unity with Source Energy is exactly what attracts all the good things to us LIKE A MAGNET!

It’s all very logical, and YOU can control it by choosing your thoughts! Spend some time radiating gratitude right now, that you’ve learned this principle! Thank you…….Thank you…Thank you!!! And the more you ABIDE in this vibrational frequency of GRATITUDE, the more wonderful things will be attracted to you!

In summary, let me leave you with these “how to” tips:

1) Monitor your thoughts! Catch yourself if you ever think a negative thought! Then, start thinking the opposite, positive thought. Think solutions, not problems. It does take self discipline, but with practice, you will master it! Run your own brain. Don’t let it run you!
2) Monitor your words. The phrase “Freudian slip” comes from the great psychologist’s teachings that a person will tell you what is in their mind if you just get them to talk. Listen to your own mouth speak! It will indicate what you’ve been thinking about.
3) Monitor what you let into your head; Movies, gossip, bad news, etc. Choose to stop allowing your brain to be infiltrated by negativity. Your brain can’t tell the difference between reality and what you’re letting into it, and you can actually traumatize your sub conscious mind by watching violence! Don’t allow yourself to get sucked into the whirling vortex of madness!
4) Radiate positive energy out to others, sending them love and appreciation. They will respond in kind, and you will have valid proof that the world is wonderful, which will just add to your believe that life is wonderful, and the cycle of positivity continues! You’ll be elevated into the vortex of eternal truth!
5) When a negative thought does come into your mind, allow it to pass through and out of your energy field, so it won’t get trapped inside. What you resist persists. Recognize its existence, and consciously choose a new thought!
6) Finally, if many negative thoughts have yielded the fruit of bad feelings, neutralize the negative feelings through the use of any number of emotional freedom techniques. One that works particularly well for me is to allow the feeling to come up, then to envision that I’m taking the bad feeling in my hand, staring at it, and then telling it that it’s free to fly away now. Another way to neutralize negative feelings is to intensify the feeling, and try to feel it even more! Doing so causes the feeling to cancel out, and dissipate. Then, spend time expressing gratitude that that’s over! Say thank you until you feel love well up within you! Then keep saying thank you and abide in that vibration!

These six steps, with practice, will change your life!

Isn’t this amazing and wonderful? Surely, knowledge of the Truth sets us free!

2 Responses to Attitude of Gratitude – The Magnetic Difference!

  1. paul stoner August 9, 2009 at 10:50 pm #

    Thanks for the wonderful and compelling article. I have many tangible experiences that are a direct result of Gratitudinal Meditation. Appreciating what I have and thanking the Universe. Intentional living and abundance flow from such simple actions.

  2. Janeen August 14, 2009 at 7:06 pm #

    I’m so glad that the article was beneficial for you, Paul! Continued Blessings to you, My Awakened Friend!


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