Striking Your Ideal Balance

Isn’t it great to have it all. Everything money can buy – Fantastic! Doesn’t it feel wonderful to have everything money can buy? However, the focus of tonight’s call is about checking up once in a while to make sure we havn’t LOST EVERYTHING that money can’t buy…..

Remember, ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. Get money! Get time freedom! Get everything! And take many, many people there with you, especially your family. It is good to have notoriety and the adulation of the masses, but the trust, respect and adulation of your children is precious beyond measure! Life balance will not happen on it’s own. You have to take inventory of how you’re spending your time, and say “No” to those activities that interfere with the accomplishment of the most important priorities. Balance is putting the right amount of energy into what truly matters!

Let’s consider, again, the facets of your life that will need to be prioritized, and then let’s consider the time that you allocate to each facet:

Spouse or Partner
Economic Concerns
Material Needs
Leisure Activities
Spiritual pursuits or Church related duties
Civic Participation or Volunteering
Physical Health

You’ll want to look at your planner, and literally PLAN IN your activities in each facet.
I find that I don’t have time for friends, for example, every day, but I do have outings with friends scheduled in to my planner twice during the month! Likewise, because our extended family is important to me, I have two outings per month scheduled in to spend time with them. Caution: Don’t forget to invite them in advance so they can schedule it in! If you always leave these encounters “up to chance” for “last minute” get-togethers, it will very likely rarely happen. PLAN IT! I like to consult our community calendar and see what events are transpiring around town, then invite family or friends to attend together! It doesn’t always have to be “come over for dinner”! Get creative! It will create memories that build an unbreakable bond.

Now, even though you probably value your family, for example, more highly than you value money, or economic concerns, most people start out in their personal development needing to spend more time “making money” than they can spending time “with their family”. This will change as you grow and attract more money into your life experience, but don’t allow yourself to do a “guilt trip” over it during the journey. Just be sure that you are not ignoring your family, and that they do feel fulfilled in their relationship with you. While you may have to spend more time each day “on the job”, your family should be able to tell that they are your priority!

Go through each of these facets, and plan in activities, and schedule it with the “others” involved. Another word of caution; Be sure to leave enough time that is unscheduled, so you can handle emergencies if they come up; Not everything in life can be planned for! If you’ve allowed enough unplanned time, then you can shift things around in your plan to accommodate them, while still accomplishing what’s important.

It will be interesting for you to see how often you feel each facet needs your time; If it’s too imbalanced, there’s your next area for improvement!

Keep stretching; The Universe depends upon our continual desire to have more and to learn more and to become more. Has it ever crossed your mind that if we choose to become completely satiated with our growth, no new inventions would ever be discovered? Societal evolution is because we never really feel content to stay just as we are. Whatever society is currently experiencing, causes us to desire a new solution or a new experience, or more peace or more economic success or whatever! We want to grow and get more, and become more, and that is a good thing! Now, I am not suggesting that we feel a dissatisfaction that feels like lack, or that feels negative; Rather, it is a hunger for growth which causes us to feel a positive pull toward expansion.

During your lifetime, you will want to review your balance regularly. There may be times when you’ll tend to blame “time”, for not having accomplished what you say is a priority to you. There will be times when you’ll temporarily have to spurt forward in one area or another. As long as it’s only a temporary imbalance, that’s okay, and sometimes necessary. But remember that YOU are in control of your time, so there is no one to blame! YOUR priorities are what you would then want to re-examine, and perhaps your time management skills!

Have fun with your planner! It feels so good to take control of your future!

Now….Go DO IT!

By Janeen J. Detrick

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