Measuring Progess

As we grow, it is good to measure our progress periodically, so we can stay on course toward the accomplishment of our goals. There are two primary types of measurement; Objective and Subjective.

Objective measurement is the analysis of whether or not you’ve achieved the SMART goals you’ve set! These are clearly measurable; You’ve either attained them, or you haven’t!

Subjective goals will be where you’ll collect the input of others; You’ll ask them for feedback, and willingly accept their appraisal of how you’re doing! This doesn’t mean that you’ll apply all direction they give you, but rather that you are open to considering their perspective. Without allowing input from others, you are basing all of your endeavors only upon your own perspective, and THAT is very limiting!

Now, for some, the prospect of subjecting one’s endeavors to the inspection and opinions of others, may bring up feelings of FEAR; The fear of failure and the fear of criticism.

Accept that failure is feedback! It is not a bad thing! One cannot expect that everything he ever tries to do, will always work out exactly as anticipated, or that would indicate that he is born being good at everything! It’s ridiculous! And if we never try anything new, we can never GROW. Allow yourself to be wrong sometimes.

Understand that the fear of criticism has it’s roots in our childhood, when our parents tried to protect us from hurting ourselves; Grabbing a hot pan, skipping school, eating too much junk food, etc. Although they had praiseworthy intentions, the effect upon our subconscious minds is to cause us to distrust our own internal guidance system. In effect, we end up believing that anything we want to try will be a mistake and will hurt us! Until we consciously choose to let go of those old, ineffective ways of thinking, we limit our own progress by disallowing the prospect of “failure”.

In collecting input from others, I suggest you draw from the expertise of the people you selected for your “mastermind” support group, as suggested in the previous post, called “Leveraging Your Network for Maximum Support and Success.”

Upon receiving the perspective they share with you, realize that it is not mandatory that you apply every suggestion they offer, but do thank them for being willing to share their perspective with you, and express that you will “ponder implementing their suggestions.”
When you add your unique perspectives, talents and skills to societal consciousness, you are blessing the whole of humanity by raising societal evolution. Be willing to consider other’s perspectives, but also recognize your own personal power and immense value to the universe!

Gather and interpret the results, and determine if a new course of direction is in order, then TAKE ACTION.

Remember, Greatness is not where you are, but rather, it is the direction in which you are headed!

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