Chakra Balancing – Part 2

Hi, Everybody! Janeen, here,talking about chakras! First, why should you care about chakras? Because they are areas of energy that can concentrate at one location or another, either creating DEFICIENCY OR EXCESS in that region, which can ultimately lead to DISEASE in that region of the body! Also, the quality of your life will be affected by whether or not the energy is allowed to flow FREELY, or is restricted by blockage. When there is blockage, a person will manifest repetitive behaviors that are non-productive, i.e, compulsiveness, promiscuity, talking incessantly, etc. These are manifestations of blockage that relate to EXCESS energy trapped in that chakra region of the body. Examples of deficiency would include shyness, inability to speak up for yourself, low libido, inability to make a decision, etc. When the chakras are DISCONNECTED from one another and they don’t talk to each other. One example of this would be the person who can’t understand why his spouse feels unloved because he has multiple affairs! The HEART CHAKRA is disconnected from the CREATIVE CHAKRA, or sexual center.

So, let’s start from the top down in describing the chakra regions, their purposes, and their demons. The top chakra, or “crown” chakra, (called the 7th chakra in most energy modalities, and the 8th chakra in the energy modality called “Reiki”) is where a person receives inspiration. It is located at the top of your head. The function of this region is to receive signals in the form of vibrations, so you can interpret and use the data. The demon of the crown chakra is attachment; attachment to a certain house, a certain person, having a certain type of job, a certain position in the community or at work, etc. When a person has energy blockage just below the crown chakra, they can receive ideas, but then they never do anything with those ideas! When there is blockage at the top of their head, they don’t get the ideas at all! Sometimes, a person with blocked energy at the crown has a very difficult time having FAITH. And why is that? Because they don’t receive signals from Source Energy, so they don’t think Source Energy exists! A person who doesn’t clear this blockage can ultimately manifest brain cancer or any number of other illnesses in their head area, including schizophrenia. So, class, let go of any and all ATTACHMENTS!! Be happy NOW, no matter if you do lose whatever you’re attached to! Accept that loss can happen, and it is not necessarily bad! It’s only bad if you allow yourself to respond to it as being bad! Let go of whatever you’ve been attached to. Then, Source Energy can flow freely into your brain!

We’ll talk about the “third eye” chakra next Friday! Need to have more vision for your future? Stay tuned!!



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2 Responses to Chakra Balancing – Part 2

  1. sfauthor August 8, 2009 at 6:48 pm #

    Nice posting.

  2. Sound Travels August 21, 2009 at 7:22 am #

    Interesting article.

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