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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 11-18-13

Questions discussed on this call: I found on the scale of consciousness that “desire” is at the level of 125. How can desire be used to transcend desire? Joe, have you heard of and can you elaborate on the principle of “surrendered action”? Why is appreciating this moment this biggest secret in manifesting? As I grow towards level 4 in awakening it seems my goals become less significant to me. Is this just another form of sabotage? Can you give us a sneak peek into what we might find in […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 8-26-13

Questions discussed on this call: What is “The Remembering Process”? It seems to me that the word “clarity” or “getting clear” can mean two different things: 1) The concept of “knowing what you want” and 2) eliminating blocks and clearing that whiteboard of the unconscious mind. You’ve taught, in many different ways, that goals seem to be Ego’s past experience, attempting to define what is possible in the future. Can the first type of “clarity”, “knowing what you want” actually become a limitation, because it’s based only on what a […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 6-24-13

Questions discussed on this call: What is the difference between feeling and emotion? There is a lot of energy lately about awakening and enlightenment, can you elaborate more on these? It seems I can come up with thoughts easily but feelings are a bit more elusive for me. How can I generate more skill with feelings? I need more money fast. What are some tips you can offer for minimizing my desperation and anxiety? Why is love and gratitude such a powerful force when it comes to creating miracles? There […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 4-22-13

Questions discussed on this call: What do you say to someone who constantly uses you to dump their negativity? I want to write a book. In fact, I already have a title and a working outline for the chapters. I just can’t seem to get started writing. My limiting belief seems to be, “What if no one wants to read the book?” How can I break out of this belief and get the ball roling once and for all? I want to be a speaker and coach but I’m not […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 2-25-13

Questions discussed on this call: How can I grow happiness? How do I restore trust with my spouse? (Infidelity issue) What are the fundamental steps to take to market information? Is there a formula to follow and what technical resources would you recommend? What would need to happen for someone without a recognized name or credentials to break into and stand out in the personal development industry? I’m 22 yrs old living in Flagstaff, AZ. I want to build a healing center with an emphasis on subconscious conditioning. I’ve started […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 11-26-12

Questions discussed on this call: How do I stay positive when my environment is so negative? What is something that I can do to change my state permanently? I am older and divorced and would like to get into a more healthy relationship. How do I make sure that I am clear of my past limiting beliefs about my relationships that have failed? Can you talk about the different levels of awakening? I heard that there is a level five awakening. Can you explain to me what that means? I […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 10-29-12

Questions discussed on this call: What can I do on a daily basis to manage my thinking throughout the day? Is there a way to train my mind not to go down negative thoughts? With the holidays coming how can I manage my energy and thoughts around negative family members? I know surrounding yourself with negative people is a “no-no” but what if you live with them and can’t get away from them? How do I handle the negativity? Is there any truth to the concept that we become what […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 9-24-12

Questions discussed on this call: We just past the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11. How can I understand disasters? Did all those people attract that stuff? Did God do it? I’ve been Nevillizing about attracting the love of my life, but she hasn’t shown up yet. All my friends tell me to join a dating site, but that seems too artificial of a way to meet. Have any ideas? My wife left me four years ago, and I really want to be in love again! I am in a 20 […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 8-27-12

Questions discussed on this call: How do you deal with self-doubt? We have so many students that don’t believe they can be successful, that don’t believe they can start a business, that don’t believe they can live a fulfilling life but desperately WANT these things in their lives. How can I improve my relationship with my wife? I’m doing everything I can think of, but I can’t seem to open her heart. At this point, she just hates me. Oh, and I do Ho’oponopono all the time, so please don’t […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 6-25-12

Questions answered on this call: Many students think that since their life is blended with their significant other’s life, especially financially, that they are bound by the beliefs and energy that their partner radiates. Can you discuss how our partner’s limiting beliefs affect us? Students who desire to attract the Love of Their Life enjoy writing a list of what they want in a mate. Sometimes it seems like they eliminate everybody, and are being “nit picky!” Then, they are surprised when that list attracts lots of people who are […]

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