Conference Call with Joe Vitale 9-24-12

Questions discussed on this call:

  1. We just past the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11. How can I understand disasters? Did all those people attract that stuff? Did God do it?
  2. I’ve been Nevillizing about attracting the love of my life, but she hasn’t shown up yet. All my friends tell me to join a dating site, but that seems too artificial of a way to meet. Have any ideas? My wife left me four years ago, and I really want to be in love again!
  3. I am in a 20 year gay relationship, and I still feel badly around my parents and his parents, because while they are nice to us, they still tell us that we shouldn’t be “married”, but rather “just friends”. It is now affecting my health! My first and second chakras cause me problems sometimes. I don’t know how to gain a new perspective, and forgive the world for being so small minded! Can you help me? I Ho’oponopono ALL THE TIME, for three years straight now, but I need something else. A paradigm shift, I guess. Can you help?
  4. It seems like there are innumerable methods to clear emotional junk. They just keep popping up! They’re probably all inspired, but it seems to me that the only thing that makes ANY of them actually WORK, is that the person is making a choice to do something other than think the lousy thought!
  5. I feel guilty and embarrassed about some of the things I’ve done in the past. I don’t want to fall in love, even though I DO really, just because I don’t want to have to disclose how many times I’ve been married, and how many times I’ve filed bankruptcy because of my stupid choices and desire for instant money. I believe the anxiousness about money has now subsided, so I don’t need money anymore to be happy, but this anxiety about telling a perspective love is so embarrassing. How to I stop feeling scared of their rejection and laughing at me?
  6. You have said that everything is energy. Can you explain why things look solid? Have you written a book about that of which I am not currently aware? I have a hard time getting my head around that principle.
  7. How do I set goals, but also be detached from them? If I’m supposed to hold them in my awareness, so I can Nevellize them, how do I simultaneously detach? That seems incongruent.
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