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Student Question About Starving What You Don’t Want

I received an email this morning with a question pertaining to the graduate call Feb. 25th. Good morning Mr McIff,  I have a question concerning the conference call on Starve What You Don’t Want. Can we do the same process with a physical problem? I have a problem with my left knee and I tried to heal it but it still is very painful so I barely can walk. Do I have to find the cause of that pain or what before going any further? Thank you for this question! […]

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“How do I identify what my limiting beliefs are?”

“I don’t know what my limiting beliefs are!!” So many students of personal development add fear energy to the subject of figuring out what their limiting beliefs are, as if it’s some big mystery! It’s as if they are concerned that it is possible that it could be in there……and they not know it! Let me assuage your fears: It is impossible for you to have limiting beliefs and not know it, or should I say feel it! Okay…Here’s the straightforward, simple facts about how to identify limiting beliefs: Any […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Conquer Yourself 2-5-2013

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Positive thinking has no negatives

One of life’s great annoyances is the tendency of folks who ask you to perform an impossible task, list the issues they foresee and the problems that have plagued previous attempts – and then admonish you to “think positive.” Wow! Does that mean you are so good that you can achieve what no one else has? Or are you being set up to fail? Because I am an eternal optimist, I prefer to believe the first premise. Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we […]

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Overcoming Everything!

Overcoming Everything! The key to overcoming everything is to TRANSCEND THE EGO, realizing that IT is NOT YOU! The key to overcoming EVERYTHING is to realize that you are here for your OWN EXPANSION (growth!); You are not here to please other people! To OVERCOME EVERYTHING, we must focus on what WE WANT, not what others have tried to get us to become, or to DO, out of some kind of obligation. This is not a narcissistic, rebellious endeavor. Rather, when we become the best we can be, rather than […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Overcome Everything 1-29-2013

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Protected: PD Grad Call – The You You Never Knew 1-15-2013

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Say No, and Be Free!

I could simply say, “Start saying ‘No.” when from your heart, you really don’t want to do what you are being asked to do.’” However, I will expound a bit! When you say “Yes”, when your heart feels “No”, you are actually disrespecting your own internal guidance system, and that is NOT LOVE. It isn’t loving to the other person, either, because perhaps the reason they attracted YOU into their life is that they needed to learn to say, “no.”, and it is perhaps your job to teach them that […]

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Daily Energy Routine:

1. Do the Power Pack: A. Dry Up B. K-27 rub C. Thymus thump D. Sideways figure eights, to infuse joy! 2. Do the White Light Visualization Take a few minutes to imagine white light pouring in the top of your crown chakra, all the way down, and radiating through, all your chakras! This white light visualization, while deep breathing, will keep your chakras aligned and balanced! 3. Implement the Energy Management Exercise (Also called the One Minute Routine) 4. Nightly, before bed, do the Pyramid. Energy Medicine “POWER PACK” […]

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Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed is always a symptom of not being in the moment. Your body is HERE, but your mind is thinking about something else that you “get” to do! Feeling overwhelmed SERVES you to cause you to recognize when you are not in the moment, and also may be your unconscious mind signaling you that you have items in your life that do not move your life mission forward, so therefore, you will not have the energy to accomplish it! Your unconscious mind and your feelings serve you to show […]

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