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Attracting money by surrendering your attachment to it!

You have been thinking that money was the only way for you to get the life you want! Haven’t you? What if you surrendered thinking that the only way you can have the life you want was by getting lots of money? Do you realize that there are many many ways for you to have the life you want without it coming through MONEY??? Literally, money is only ONE METHOD through which the life you want can come to you! If you want to travel the world, couldn’t your company […]

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The Eight Types of Intelligence

Psychologist Howard Gardner has identified the following distinct types of intelligence in his Multiple Intelligences Theory (“MI Theory”) in the book “Frames of Mind.” The types of Intelligences that he has identified are intrapersonal (ability to recognize and understand one’s own feelings) and interpersonal (the ability to recognize and comprehend other people’s feelings), logical, linguistic, visual (special), kinesthetic (movement), and musical. My purpose in this brief article is to help parents identify their child’s strengths, and conversely to recognize areas which need encouragement in order to be developed. For the […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 6-01-2010: “What if” Thinking

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Sixth Chakra: The “Third Eye” Chakra

By Janeen J. Detrick Hi, everybody! Janeen here to talk with you about your sixth chakra. Your sixth chakra is the area all around and in your brain and is referred to as the “Third Eye” chakra. If you were a unicorn, this is where the horn would stick out of your head right between your eyebrows, and slightly higher. Your sixth chakra is responsible for your experience with thought processes, decision making, and also with intuitive decision making. Psychic talents, self-reflection, visualizing, imagination, perception, discernment, and how to develop […]

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What Have You Been Dismissing?

By Janeen J. Detrick Have you heard the story about the man who’s boat capsized and as he hung on he cried out to God, “Save me!”. So God sent a fisherman by, and the man refused to go with him because, he told the fisherman, “I’m waiting for God to save me.” Then, God sent a jet ski rider by, and the man refused to ride in to shore on the jet ski, because, he told the jet ski driver, “God wouldn’t send a jet ski, because He never […]

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Chakra Balancing – Part 2

Hi, Everybody! Janeen, here,talking about chakras! First, why should you care about chakras? Because they are areas of energy that can concentrate at one location or another, either creating DEFICIENCY OR EXCESS in that region, which can ultimately lead to DISEASE in that region of the body! Also, the quality of your life will be affected by whether or not the energy is allowed to flow FREELY, or is restricted by blockage. When there is blockage, a person will manifest repetitive behaviors that are non-productive, i.e, compulsiveness, promiscuity, talking incessantly, […]

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Chakra Balancing: Another technique for releasing negative energy! – Part 1

by Janeen J. Detrick Many people have heard of the emotional freedom technique that is currently being popularized as “E.F. T.” It’s sometimes referred to as “the tapping cure.” While this is a great way to release negative energy (anger, stress, bad feelings), there is no one modality of energy medicine that works for everyone! The purpose of this blog is to describe another method for clearing blocked energy which manifests itself as negative feelings, called “Chakra Balancing.” In order to understand any discussion of energy medicine, it is first […]

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