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Protected: PD Grad Call – Success and Momentum 3-26-2013

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Ongoing Education 3-19-2013

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Ongoing Progress 3-5-2013

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Ongoing progress includes managing roadblocks!

Ongoing progress includes managing roadblocks! So often, people start feeling sorry for themselves when they hit a roadblock. They start second guessing the decision they made. Never doubt in the dark what you have seen in the light! Dr. Wayne Dyer writes in his book, The Power of Intention, “ Make a decision to move forward. You are not stuck unless you decide to be!” You don’t “find” your life mission; You create it! DECIDE! Decide what you want it to be then GO FOR IT! Many people make the […]

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Chart Your Success

Charting your success means that you break down your short term goals into tiny baby steps, then record your completion of it, in order to re-program yourself that you are successful! This principle is called “the kaizen principle”, as “kaizen” is a word which means, in Japanese, “the tiniest step”. Business Consultant Edward Demming nearly single handedly turned around the economy in Japan after World War II by teaching the major corporations how to encourage new habits in their employees by inspiring them to take the tiniest step imaginable toward […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Charting Your Success 11-27-2012

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The Ultimate You

The Ultimate You….Is created by envisioning with feeling and then writing down your long term goals! What do you want your life to look like and feel like over the long haul? Five years plus….Can you imagine it? Write it down! Long term goals give you the big picture in each facet of your life, then you can do what Stephen R. Covey taught, “Start with the end in mind.” Once you have the long term picture for each of your life facets, then you can break it down into […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – The Ultimate You 11-20-2012

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How to move your business forward

How to move your business forward By Janeen Detrick Step 1: Ask yourself, “What do I want my business to do, or to teach, or to accomplish? Brainstorm and itemize them! For Example, one of my students wants to have a business preparing people for the end of their life. She may list: 1. Teach the End of Life 5s 2. Teach Dying with Dignity 3. Teach Five Wishes 4. Teach grieving 5. Offer a resource guide for finding Hospice organizations 6. Teach them about their medical Choices 7. Teach […]

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The Seven Principles That Make Marriage Work

………….And the Seven Principles That Kill a Marriage! This information is based upon the research of Dr. John Gottman, as presented in his book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work The Seven Principles that don’t work, and are warning signs that your marriage will die if you continue doing them: 1. Harsh startups when you are “fighting”. Harsh startups are described as beginning the “heated discussion” with accusatory language; “You always…”, rather than “I feel” language. Harsh start ups also involve sarcasm or name calling. 2. Criticism. Offering a […]

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