The Ultimate You

The Ultimate You….Is created by envisioning with feeling and then writing down your long term goals!

What do you want your life to look like and feel like over the long haul? Five years plus….Can you imagine it? Write it down!
Long term goals give you the big picture in each facet of your life, then you can do what Stephen R. Covey taught, “Start with the end in mind.” Once you have the long term picture for each of your life facets, then you can break it down into mid term goals. Then, you break those down even further into short terms goals. Then you break those down into baby steps; action steps!

The facets of your life in which you will want to write down your goals are;
1. Family
2. Spouse, or Significant Other Relationship
3. Economic
4. Material
5. Leisure
6. Friendships
7. Spiritual Pursuits
8. Civic Involvement
9. Physical Health

Then, without being attached to the outcome, make your goals “S.M.A.R.T. Goals”;
S= specific
T=timed (loosely…don’t be so specific that you are attached to outcome!)

If you think that thinking about them will work….you are wrong! It isn’t really true that your thoughts create your reality. What is true is that the thoughts you hold with feeling create your reality!

When you write them down, you activate more centers in your brain…making them conscious. And what is consciousness if not awareness? Then, the Divine can well up within you and cause the fulfillment of them to be drawn to you!

Do it. DO IT NOW.

Janeen J. Detrick

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