Time Management Thought Processes


Time Management Tips:

1. Weigh all your activities against whether or not they move your “Life Mission”, or purpose, forward. Permanently delete from your schedule any activity that does not!

2. Organize your activities by “big rock”, “Medium rock” and “little rock” activities.
The analogy of putting rocks into a mason jar; If you wait until the end to do the important things, having filled your day with unimportant things, then some of the big rocks won’t fit! Put the big rocks in first, then the little rocks will fit around them!

3. Organize your space so you can find things! Habits aren’t always bad; You can develop the good habit of putting your cell phone in the same place every night, your keys in the same place every night, your books in the same place every night, etc. That way, when you need to find something, you will easily be able to, and you won’t frustrate yourself with wasting time “hunting”!

4. Consolidate trips; If you know your gas tank needs to be filled, do that on the way to or from some other activity. All activities can be planned to consolidate trips; It saves time and gas!

5. Teach your kids to do their own laundry; It’s good delegating! They will need to have learned that skill before they go off to college anyway, so teach them starting at about age 10. This is good for them, but also, it frees up your time! Hint: Teach them to need to wash clothing less often by spot cleaning and also by hanging or folding clothes right away, so they don’t get wrinkled! Be honest; How many times have you washed something just because it was wrinkled?!

6. Keep two lists: One that you will accomplish tomorrow called “The Six Most Important Things To Do” list, which we will talk more about next. The second list is the “Things I want to accomplish that are ‘little rocks”. The “little rocks” list can continue to grow and grow and grow, and you just scratch them off (and write the date you did it) with one line through it as you accomplish them! Scratching it off gives a sense of pride in your accomplishment also and is good for your psyche!

7. The Six Most Important Things to Do List.
Write this list every night before you go to bed, for use the next day.
Focus one hundred percent of your attention on number one until it is done! Then move to item number two, and give that item one hundred percent of your attention. Etc! If you can’t get all six done with this method, you wouldn’t be able to accomplish them with any other method either! If that happens, move the items that remain unfinished to tomorrow’s list as item one, two, etc. If you do get them all done, look at the second list (above) and do as many of them as possible! Notice that this method requires that you are living in the moment with each activity!

8. At the end of the day, after you’ve written your Six Things List (item 7 above), as you lay your head on your pillow, say this “prayer” to yourself: “Subconscious Mind, please help me accomplish the items on these lists tomorrow. Work on them while I am sleeping. Thank You!” The next morning, you will be surprised! Your subconscious mind will bring one or more of the activities to the fore front of your conscious mind, and you will fly through them with more energy than you ever dreamed! It works! Try it!

Janeen J. Detrick

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