Graduate Call notes 1-28-14: The Three Levels of Understanding Any Principle

A student asked me to clarify why some of the personal development principles seem to be contradictory. For example, we are supposed to set goals, we are supposed to feel them like we already have them, then we are supposed to let them go. But if we let them go, then how are we focusing on them so that we can create them? Also, some spiritual traditions and teachers teach that “it is already done; our success is guaranteed; we need to do nothing.” Why do we even try to create anything when we are taught that everything is already decided upon and our end result is already decided upon? It doesn’t make sense, and seems contradictory!  Since we are not choosing to create bad things happening, would I even want to buy health insurance? Or would that act actually create poor health?  If people are experiencing what appears to be “bad things”, should we just let them suffer, since, after all, they created and attracted it, and might even be paying their own karma?? Do we just ignore cries for help? We are supposed to forgive people for the bad things they did to us, but also we are not supposed to judge anything as being bad, so why would we forgive anything? Besides that, we learn that everything is inside us, and we are responsible for it all, because we see only projections of the energetic imprint in our unconscious minds, so why would I forgive someone when I was actually the one interpreting the thing they did to me as having been “bad’? Do I not then only forgive myself for having created it through my interpretation of the events? That felt freeing, but wondered why the thought of forgiveness was ever even anything?

This all seemed quite confusing to that student!

And it wasn’t the first time I heard such questions. Far from it!  So, in sincere desire to be able to communicate the answer with clarity, I sat with myself, and pondered it.

WOW!  Was I about to have a whole new world open to my understanding!

None of the above represented teachings are inaccurate! The explanation is really quite simple; There are three levels of understanding of any principle. The three levels equate, basically, to  BODY level, SOUL/Personality level, and SPIRIT level.  Or, physical level, emotional/energetic level, and Spiritual level.

Interestingly enough, I “saw” this impression as the shape of a pyramid. Then, I was shown how there is also an inverted pyramid!  Then, the cycle completes itself by intersecting the two pyramids, and recycling all over again!  It will take many more wo5rds for me to describe it to you, than it took time for me to “get it”!  I understood it all in a very short time!  Have you ever heard of the 64 tetrahedron and the double Taurus?  Well, this cycle mimics that shape!  (There is an excellent movie which describes and depicts this 64 tetrahedron and double Taurus called “The Black Whole”, and the movie features Nassim Haramein, the Physicist. It can be purchased on Amazon, and is well worth its price!)

The shape I saw it represented as is auxillary to your comprehension of the three levels of understanding any principle, but I did find the correlation with the geometry the universe is built upon to be very interesting!

So, if you drew a pyramid, with the wide section at the bottom, the top third section of the pyramid would be “Spirit”, and this is our Divine Creative Capacity, or Who we really are! The lower two sections are both of the ego, which we also created! We created that thought field though our thoughts of separation, and that scared us, so it is all based in fear. That’s why the earth plane sees polarity, or duality, and we see each other as male and female, etc. “Separate”! The middle section is the Energy Body/or Energy Field, and contains emotions and personality. The lower section is the Body, or physical world.

We can either create “top down”, or bottom up!  And the inverted pyramid is the “bottom up” pursuit of creating. So, the inverted pyramid has the body at the top, making it the point of the beginning, and the Spirit at the bottom, making it the goal, or highest level of comprehension. Religions are an example of creating from the “bottom level, Up”, or physical, literal level, affecting then the emotions and personality, then eventually causing a person to experience “God” or the Spirit level! Yoga is another example of creating from the bottom, up. One uses the physical body to release tension and “stuckness”, and that is supposed to eventually release the emotions, and that will eventually cause the person who practices the yoga to “realize God.”

Every principle can be taught from any of these three levels of comprehension!

So, when it is taught that you have to set goals, that is the Body level. “Do something”.

When it is said that you must first “get clear”, as in heal your emotions and know what you want, that is the Emotional/Soul/Personality level. And when it is said that you “can’t always know what you are to be having as goals”, that is the Spirit, and it is likely that the lower two levels haven’t been exposed it “it” yet, and therefore you can’t possibly “know” what it will be that you be doing that will fulfill you!

Forgiveness is only in the lower two levels of comprehension.

The highest level of understanding is that there is nothing to forgive, because the Spirit Being you really are is invulnerable!  So, there’s nothing to forgive.

When you are functioning from the Spirit level, you trust so completely, that when you don’t “see” the evidence of your creation, you don’t even concern yourself about that!

Deal with each level of “stuff”, on each level!

So, if you see someone being beaten up (body level happening), you can rush in and help! But, from the emotional level, don’t feel badly about it, or get emotionally hooked by it! (That only adds more negative energy to “it”, making that type of situation in the world worse!)

And, on the Spirit level, the Being You Really Are, remember that they are that, too, and hold space with them that they are actually divine beings, so that you are not adding energy to their suffering! So, while you minister to the body or the emotions, hold space, remembering that they are whole! How can a Spirit be hurt?  How can a Spirit be Inflicted?  Does a Spirit worry about what happened to it’s “body”?  No!  Because it remembers that it is invulnerable!

So, go create from a knowing that you are invulnerable!

Love, love, love,

Dr. Janeen

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