Graduate Call Notes – Questions and Answers

Question: Hi Dr. Janeen – I started writing, “I feel good when I think about…” and I have a question. Do I need to be specific? For example, “I feel good when I think about living in a big house.” Or, should I be specific and say, “I feel good when I think about living in a 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom house with a big kitchen, bright with an island, etc”?  Which one is the right format? You’re awesome. I enjoy your class a lot. Thank you!

Answer: Apparently, your inner diving knowingness was inspiring you to add those details, or they wouldn’t have welled up inside you. So, go for it! It doesn’t mean that everyone will always feel inspired to write more detail, but you were in that instance. Draw a circle onto a page. Allow this to represent how expanded your divine inner knowingness has grown to be as a result of the life experiences you have had. Now, when you shrink or “dumb down” your desire in an attempt to make them fit into what you can currently conceive of, or can currently afford, that is like drawing a second circle inside the previous one. It is like forcing the expanded being to shrink. S when guided with specifics, use them! if not, don’t worry about it. It only means that you have never been exposed yet to the great things that are coming to you. Feel the end result of the success of your life anyway!


Question: Hello Dr. Janeen – Thank you for yesterday’s session. Today I got an answer from my wife after waiting almost 5 months about living together or not. And she said no. After 20 years of living together in joy and sorrow with two kids, now my wife doesn’t want to go further together. Was this already decided? Is this was the contract between me and my wife that we’ll go to America after living 20 years in [foreign country] and then we’ll not go further together? If this was decided earlier then were is choice? That meas all is written. Now, I decided to have time, freedom, plenty of money to bless myself and my family and to serve the community. So if everything is already in contract or written then do I have to worry about my kids; about my family? Or can I easily say that whatever is kids karma, they’ll get it? So it is all Karma or we are the creator of our destiny? We are God or we are just the character in the book of someone? Thank you!

Answer: Yes, it is already decided before you ever got here. That should be comforting, actually, because it means the end result of the outcome that you chose before you ever got here is assured. Guaranteed! However, and this is an important distinction, the little things along the way are how you are steering your experience here now. You can either be resistant to learning the lessons you chose before you cam here, or you can allow yourself to be carried by the divine. So, your daily decisions make it easy, or make it hard. But either way you will win. You will learn and also teach everything you chose from before you came here. Your ultimate success is guaranteed. Letting go of the choke hold you feel on others is, apparently, a lesson you chose to learn here. Don’t worry; all relationships are ultimately eternal because we are all connected as one.


Question: Dr J. – How can I raise my vibration about money so that I am not attached to thinking, “I need money”?

Answer: There are many ways to detach from thinking you need money, but what is coming to me now is a song. Singing raises your vibration because it is vibrational and comes from the heart. You know this, so I am simply offering new words. “Zippity moolah, zippity eh! My, oh my, what a wonderful day! Plenty of moolah is coming my way! Zippity moolah, zippity eh!”


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