The Blueprint Process

In order for you to achieve any goal, you need to have a plan. Everything is first created spiritually (in your mind) before it is created physically. This is why Achieve Today focuses on you getting clarity on what you’re beliefs are. Supportive beliefs lead us in the direction we desire to go. Unsupported beliefs take us in the opposite direction. But once clear, once free of the limiting and sabotaging beliefs, we can begin to take true mindful planning and action towards that which we desire.

Critical Commitment: The Blueprint Process requires you to be committed to scheduling at least one hour two times per week to begin gaining clarity on your desires within each life category. It is most supportive to create a routine around this, and to allow yourself time to go deep into the process. You will also need to commit to 5 to 15 minutes per day to do your daily review and next day’s intentions. This final step must become habit for this process to be effective.

To begin: Get yourself into your peak state first – that place where you and your Higher Self are connected – one. Remember a moment in your life where you felt vibrant, joyful, empowered, and fully in touch with your Higher Self. BE there in your mind, engaging as many of your 5 senses as you can. See it all in vibrant color and bigger than life. Then begin the following blueprint process, being sure to speak from your heart & desires, and not from your family’s or your society’s. This is your life, your path, and your goals should be an authentic expression of your heart’s desires.

Categories of Goals within a Lifetime

Answer the following questions within each category and brainstorm, with no filter, on any more relevant questions specific to you and your life. Finally, let this question be the foundation question for ALL categories: If you knew you could not fail, what goals would you set this area of your life?

  1. Spiritual – do you know who you are, how do you want to show up for life, what uplifts you & enlivens you, what spiritual practices feed your soul, and where do you want to put your focus & attention to put you in alignment with your spiritual Source & Law of Attraction?
  2. Physical – where can you improve health, wellness, state of mind & mental attitude, body strength & flexibility, balance, energy level, clarity and wholeness; what does your perfect health look like to you?
  3. Pleasure – what brings you joy & uplifts you, what inspires & nourishes your soul, and what excites & enlivens you & fills you with bliss & joy?
  4. Educational – what knowledge will get you to where you want to go, what skills will support you on this path, and what wisdom & information will assist you in being the best person you can be?
  5. Career/Employment – what do you want to do for a living, what work opportunities would you like to achieve, what experience do you want on your resume, what direction & path would you like your life to take, what work inspires you and motivates you, and what work do you feel is your life calling and soul mission?
  6. Financial – what do you need & desire to earn at each stage of your life considering your home & living expenses, will you save & invest, and how will you manage the flow of your income?
  7. Family – will you be in a partnership/marriage, will you have children & if so, how many, and what are the qualities & experiences you desire in these relationships?
  8. Creative – do you have a creative outlet, how will you express yourself body, mind, and soul?
  9. Citizen – how do you want to contribute to your community and the world at large, do you feel called or inspired to create anything that could serve or bless the world?

Steps to designing the Blueprint of your goals

  1. Pick a category. Plan for 1 – 4 hours on EACH category, initially. It will vary per category due to your own clarity and time it may take to research the required action steps.
  2. List out all of the goals, dreams & intentions within that category.
  3. Pick one goal from that list. (You will do the following process with each and every single goal. Create a binder or an electronic file for this entire blueprint process & organize all of your individual blueprints into it.)
  4. State the goal first in general terms, a short simple statement. What is the big picture vision stated in one line?
  5. Then state the goal with very specific details. Elaborate on all of the details, adding as much detail as you can.
  6. Create a 20, 10, and 5 year plan for this specific goal, as relevant, listing smaller goals that need to be achieved to reach this.
  7. Create a 1 year plan for years 1 – 5 to achieve your 5 year plan, as relevant to your goal. Every 5 years you will plan for the next 5 years.
  8. Create a 6 month plan for year 1, updating that every 6 months. Schedule that in your calendar.
  9. Create a 1 month plan for the first 6 months, updating that every month. Schedule that in your calendar.
  10. Create a weekly plan for the first month, updating that every week. Schedule that in your calendar.
  11. Create a daily plan & “To Do List”, updating this every single night for the next day’s agenda. Schedule this time in your calendar.

With each step in the above process be willing to go and learn something new to achieve that step. Do not let the fact that you may not have something, know something, or be something prevent you from achieving any of your goals. You have the ability within you to go out and obtain it, learn it, and become it! Successful people are willing to get out of their comfort zones and push pass that barrier wall that appears as a road block. If you find there is something preventing you from taking action, talk to your coach to get to the root of the block and work on clearing that limiting belief and/or counter intention.

Support Tool: Create a binder or electronic file with the following outline as an example format. Do the steps under Goal #1 with each and every Category and Goal.

  • I. Spiritual
    • Goal #1
      • One line statement of goal, the Big Picture vision.
      • Goal stated with very specific details…
      • 20 year plan (as applicable)
      • 10 year plan (as applicable)
      • 5 year plan
      • 1 year plan
      • 6 month plan
      • Monthly plan
      • Weekly plan
      • Daily plan
    • Goal #2
    • Goal #3
  • II. Physical
  • III. Pleasure
  • IV. Educational
  • V. Career/Employment
  • VI. Financial
  • VII. Family
  • VIII. Creative
  • IX. Citizen

*Print this entire Blueprint Process and put it at the front of your binder or goal filing system, so that you will always have it to guide you as you move forward towards achieving your goals.

Click here to download the Blueprint Process Worksheet



One Response to The Blueprint Process

  1. Ron Smith March 22, 2015 at 3:36 am #

    It is nice to have a plan, but it is also nice to have a plan with structure, so thank you, Ron

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