Take it Easy

There’s a book out there called “Life Was Never Meant to be a Struggle” by Stuart Wilde. The title pretty much says it all, yes?

You sure wouldn’t know it by the way people work and live, though, would you? The fact is most people suffer through their work if not their lives. They do what they do because they believe they have to, because they think they should, or because they’re good at it—even in the face of personal unhappiness or financial struggle.

In the past, the type of work we did was based more on necessity than choice. You just did what you had to do or what was available to you. Things have changed pretty dramatically. We have way more options and opportunities today than we can even handle.

And that’s exactly what a lot of peoples’ biggest struggle is when it comes to work. We don’t do what we love because we’re not clear about what we want.

The first place to look is at your natural talents. Natural talents are gifts from the Universe, gifts from spirit, or whatever you want to call your creator. These are things that you do well, that you didn’t have to learn to do.

You’re basically born with this skill. It comes easy to you. It’s something that people look at you and go, “You’re natural at that.” And most importantly, you like doing it!

The most obvious reason a lot of people don’t find or create work that they love—and struggle through life because of it—is fear: fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of rejection, fear of looking foolish, fear of disapproval and even fear of success!

Sometimes people will mask this fear as obligation: to other people, to an idea, obligation to the frickin’ mortgage. If your mortgage is hampering your life, which one do you want to release? Well, guess which one most people release? Their life! It’s a choice: your mortgage or your life.

Whatever it is that you feel obliged to do, obligation is nothing more than a fear that if you don’t do “this,” something bad will happen. You’re not going to have passion and energy to succeed if you resent doing what you’re doing rather than looking forward to doing it.

I believe life was not meant to be a struggle, while acknowledging that struggles do happen in the form of detaching yourself from all old habits that no longer serve you in your life now. Growth is hard, but once we get through and become more of who we are, the struggle lightens.

We have to unlearn what we believe in order to escape the struggles that the illusion of separation brings—mainly separation from ourselves and from our nature that wants to make things easier.

We are part of a divine source of unlimited power—creators of our own experiences. Those with a strong spiritual connection tend to find that life is easier, living an authentic life knowing who they really are rather than playing a role that society, culture, or religion has dictated.

Then all those other areas open up—work, relationships, finances, etc. Life really shouldn’t be that hard. Unlearn, discover, apply, and for goodness sake, take it easy!

T. Harv Eker

3 Responses to Take it Easy

  1. Bob Turrou February 19, 2013 at 8:36 pm #

    I agree, Janeen. For me, it is the surrender after setting the intention, the trust, the faith that all things are working together for good, whether it may look like it or not at the time. And, this is important, things often don’t unfold as you may have seen them unfolding. Just “go with the flow,” don’t resist, take inspired action when you feel led to do so. When you do, it won’t involve fear.

  2. Addie Cleveland March 12, 2013 at 3:36 pm #

    for some reason, I don’t know what but I am bothered with an urge to do counseling,
    I have never had any lessons or other wise been told that I was qualified;, but since I was a little girl I was always the one to be the mediator in a disagreement, since I have been an adult
    many have come to me in a family disagreement,or personal problems; I have been able to help those whom I was not met before.why do I have the passion to help? I am not a spiritual adviser.

  3. Rocco Leone March 14, 2013 at 4:28 pm #

    AWSOME!!! This is everything that i have been going through in a nut shell. I had forgotten about living and only new what my obligations are…Enlightening…THANK YOU!!

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