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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 5-18-15

Questions discussed on this call: My coach and I have covered clearing. I’ve even experienced a noticeable shift in a number of my beliefs. However, I keep telling myself that there must be something else I’m not getting. How can I overcome thinking I need a magic bullet? I understand that the more grateful we are, the easier it is to manifest the things we want. Is there anything to suggest that if I share my experiences with others that it will also open me up even further to manifest […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 3-16-15

Questions discussed on this call: What is the single most important principle or experience that has helped you to be where you are today? I am able to manifest small wins. This hasn’t really been an issue. But, how can I go from playing small to really playing big? It’s easy for me to be engaged and to have confidence when things are going well. How do I keep my confidence when things seem difficult or rocky? I have a spouse that doesn’t at all believe in the Law of […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 2-16-15

Questions discussed on this call: What is the best way to interrupt and change a negative thought spiral? How do you regain confidence if your confidence is lost? Or is lost confidence just a limiting belief? The more I am enlightened and understand the true nature of my being, the harder it is for me to focus on the mundane. How do I stay engaged with any amount of passion until my reality matches my desire? I am overwhelmed with all of the good information on self-growth and LOA on […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale, 1-19-15

Questions discussed on this call: I have been practicing teh Secret Mirror technique for more than one month, but I still cannot figure out what specific steps and actions I should take to accomplish my dream. Can you recommend one or two meditation techniques that can help me to cleanse my subconscious mind and alter my behavior patterns? The more I try to go forward, the less it seems I understand or grasp concepts of teh Law of Attraction. I seem to be going backward. How can I change direction […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 12-15-14

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 11-17-14

Questions discussed on this call: You talk about “active gratitude” being one of the most important principles in the law of attraction. What if I’m not sure what gratitude feels like. How do I know if I’m feeling gratitude? Talk about the concept of “Nevillizing.” Nevillizing outcomes makes sense, but how does one nevillize gratitude? My coach is helping me work on how to be grateful for experiences that I have given a negative meaning to. How can I get better at this so I no longer see the experience […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 10-20-14

Questions discussed on this call: The holiday season can be a financially stressful time for many. What do recommend for someone who might be easily prone to stress? The holiday season is commonly associated with food, treats, snacks, and more treats. What do you do each day to stay disciplined in your eating habits without creating a feeling of deprivation? I want to start an exercise habit now so I have momentum going into the new year. How to I prepare mentally to endure the discomfort of starting an exercise […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 6-16-14

Questions discussed on this call: Can you talk about your own creative process? How do you typically create products or decide what will be a good product? Can you talk about the pros and cons of using a publisher vs. self-publishing? What’s the biggest advantage to offering a product in digital format? Is there something a person could do to assist the process of overcoming a limiting belief about writing a book or creating a personal development product? Which of your products has performed best and what would you attribute […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 4-21-14

Questions discussed on this call: When are you going to make a new album with your new clearing guitar? Can we depend on grace? If so, how can we encourage it? How do I get rid of the negative thoughts that keep coming even though I have already cleared the emotional tie? I would like to stop the thoughts themselves. What are the best trainings out there for those wanting to learn how to market like a pro? Would you explain the Secret Mirror process? Would you share an example? […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 2-17-14

Questions discussed on this call: When choosing between Resolutions versus Wouldn’t It Be Cool If statements for starting off a new year, which do you think would be most valuable? What’s the best way to let go of last year and move forward making the most of the new year? I have a limiting belief about “Clearing Limiting Beliefs” and it’s holding me back. How do you recommend I overcome this? How do I know that my limiting belief is really my limiting belief and not just a smoke screen? […]

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