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The Sedona Method

The Sedona Method, by Hale Dwoskin, is an application of Lester Levenson’s work, which he originally called “Thought Field Therapy.” It is a psycho-therapeutic method for analyzing and releasing negative feelings. Many additional renditions of this amazingly simple releasing method have been popularized through internet marketing, including E.F.T., the Emotional Freedom Technique, or “The Tapping Cure”. The Sedona Method uses no meridian stress point tapping, as does E.F.T., however they can be used in conjunction, to further deepen and quicken the intended response. The Sedona Method uses a series of […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 6-7-2011

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 5-31-2011

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Letting Go Of Attachments

There are three kinds of attachments, each requiring their own new perspective in order to be able to detach for them. 1. Temporal possessions. Remember, you can have anything you want, as long as you don’t need it! This attachment also indicates the absence of appreciation or even recognition of the hand of the divine in your life already; Lack of appreciation! 2. Prestige/Reputation/Outcome (intangible benefits). Craving for significance always comes from the ego! Does the Divine rely upon exterior validation to feel good? 3. “Special Relationships”: Reference A Course […]

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“The Ten Things In Your Refrigerator That Are Killing You”

“The Ten Things In Your Refrigerator That Are Killing You” 1) Sugar, an addictive inflammatory! 2) MSG, disguised as “natural flavors”! 3) Soda pop, and especially diet soda pop! 4) Transfats, hydrogenated fats and partially hydrogenated fats. 5) Soy! And you though it was healthy! 6) Anything acidic; Especially water! You body wants to be alkaline. Drink alkaline water! 7) Phosphates! It interferes with parathyroid activity. 8) Caffeine; It’s a diuretic! 9) Milk: nutritionally, you stopped needing it at age one! Consider almond milk! 10) Any and all processed foods; […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 4-26-2011: How to Forgive

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 3-22-2011: How to Re-program Limiting Beliefs

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Protected: Weekly Personal Development Graduate Call 2-15-2011: When Other People Hook You

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Protected: Graduate Call 1-25-2011: Five Visualizations for not Getting Mad

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Balancing Your Energies for Optimal Wellness

The oldest known school of thought regarding health is called “auryveda”, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “the science of life.” In this tradition, a person’s health is dependent upon a balance between the elements of energy of which all substances are formed. All things tangible in the universe are composed of these five elements; Earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Ether is the space in between the elementary particles, which is said to be “the place where god lives.” Every person has manifested in a body with a unique […]

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