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Overcoming Everything

The key to overcoming EVERYTHING is to realize that you are here for your OWN EXPANSION (growth!); You are not here to please other people! To OVERCOME EVERYTHING, we must focus on what WE WANT, not what others have tried to get us to become. This is not a narcissistic, rebellious endeavor. Rather, when we become the best we can be, rather than submitting to someone else’s control, we add to the Universal Intelligence pool, rather than becoming assimilated into what is already there! Literally, it is selfish to rob […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-22-2009

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The Ultimate You: An Overview to Personal Development and Self-Discovery

by Kory Koontz Personal Development can mean something different to each person, depending on whom you ask. To one, it may mean developing the physical self; to another, it’s all about enhancing brainpower. To many, personal development is a spiritual journey. For each person on the journey, personal development is individual and it should mean something different to each person; however, the common denominator is self-discovery—cognitive awareness. The personal improvement that results is an effect of the trip itself. Although the topic of developing one’s self for the better may […]

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