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Living the Universal Laws; Points to Ponder

There are only three Universal Laws, and this article is intended to assist you in living them! These are important truths to comprehend: 1. The Law of Attraction is that “like attracts like”. This means that anything that has come into your experience MUST, by Law, show you what energy is inside yourself! As you ponder what inside you brought it to you, you will eventually light upon the realization, and then you can set yourself free from ever having to go through that again! 2. The Law of Allowing […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 6-8-2010: How Do I Know if What I Want is Inspiration, or Just My Ego?

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N.L.P. SCRIPT about Attracting the Love Of Your Life!!

Here’s the formula for NLP; Below is the “Love” script. The formula is the “bones” of how to do it. Then, you fill in details and expound. Step 1) State the old Limiting Belief. Step 2) “I used to believe that………..” Restating the L.B. Step 3) “I believed that because …………………..” Step 4) “I completely forgive___________, (Other person involved, if there is one, or more than one.) because I know they did the best they could with the information they had at the time, and at their then level of […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 12-29-2009: Who do You Want to Become in 2010?

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“Scripting” Your Life Into Being What You Want It To Be!

It’s the end of a year, and the beginning of a new year. This year is YOUR YEAR! This is the year in which you will manifest everything you’ve been wanting to manifest! How????? It’s really so simple……….It really is! Especially now that you’ve learned so many tools for neutralizing negative energy inside yourself, identifying and analyzing limiting beliefs, and releasing those limiting beliefs. Yes, this is YOUR YEAR! How????? I call it “scripting”. Scripting is what we say (to ourselves AND to others!) about our lives, and about ourselves. […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 12-22-2009: Q and A

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Methods for Neutralizing Negative Feelings Inside Yourself

In order to be FREE to attract to yourself everything you want, you must be free of negativity inside yourself. The Universe doesn’t speak English! Or Spanish, or German, etc. The Universe speaks the language of VIBRATION, and therefore, the way you send your requests up to the Universe, for the Universe to send back to you as manifestation, is through the vibrations of the energy stored inside you, that radiates out from you. Now, this being the case, if you have negative energy inside you against YOURSELF, for example, […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 11-24-2009

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Protected: Graduate Call 11-17-2009

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Neuro-linguistic programming

The two methods for releasing limiting beliefs, which are also called counter intentions, are: 1) The Benefit of the Benefit a) State the benefit. b) State the benefit of the benefit. c) Ask yourself if it’s working! Usually, by this time, the belief has already released itself, unless the benefit is an additional limiting belief. In that case, do the process on that layer of limiting belief. 2) Differing Data Interpretations a) State the belief. b) State what the data is that you based the belief on, which is the […]

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