Graduate Call Notes 8-26-14: Open Forum

Open Forum: Questions asked

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Mahatma Gandhi

We become what we repeatedly do.”
Sean Covey

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
Jim Ryun

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.”
Gordon Parks

“A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit.”
Desiderius Erasmus

If you change your habits, you change your results.”
Butch Bellah

How do I break a habit? The Power of Habit. No secret formula: Not one formula for changing habits but 1,000. These differ from person . A place to start: 1) Identify the routine. 2) experiment with rewards. 3) isolate the q 4) have a plan.

1)      Identify the routine: Loop to habits. A que, a routine, and a reward. Must identify the components to a habit.

A)     I had the habit of grabbing a chocolate during the day from a coworkers desk. What started as once a day turned into multiple times a day. Trigger, I would get bored and want to get up, walk around and talk to people.

B)      Everyday you think the next day will be different.

C)      What is the que for this routine? Hunger, boredom, low blood sugar. What is the reward? The cookie itself, talking with collogues , walking around, or blast of sugar.

2)      Experiment with rewards: Think of yourself as a scientist, this may take a day, a week or a few months. Go through different rewards, test 4-5 different rewards. Jot down 3 things that come to your mind. Random words if needed. Writing down a few words it helps remind you what you were thinking or feeling.

3)      Isolate the Que. Story of the woman trying to find why some eye witness accounts were accurate and others were not. Too many different ques, so she isolated it in how the people were saying it. Found that if the investigators were friendly the witnesses would like to misremember to please them.

A)     Ask yourself: do you eat breakfast at a certain time each day because you are hungry? Or is it because your clock says 7:30? Or is it because your kids have started eating? Or is it because you are dressed and that’s the time you eat.

B)      Experiments have shown almost all habitual ques fit into one of five categories. Location, Time, emotional state, other people, immediately preceding action.

C)      Write down 5 things the moment the urge of the habit hits. Where are you? What time is it? What is your emotional state? Who else is around? What action preceded the urge.

4)      Have a plan: Once you have figured out the habit loop you can begin to shift the behavior.

A)     Plan for the queue. Implementation Intentions . Visualize: Set alarm on watch. At the beginning you may find you fall. Do not judge or react, be the observer.

What is the best way of discovering your hidden talents?

1)      Joe’s answer: What do we love to do in our past times? When we are not getting paid, what were we good at as a child, as a teenager. What do other people compliment you on. All of these are clues. These are all hidden talents we are not even aware of. These are all things I wanted to do. I didn’t have a talent for them, they were just desires. What do I want my hidden talents to be? Polish and refinement and coaching.

2)      Follow Eleanor Roosevelt’s Suggestion
How To Find Your Talent: “Do something that scares you every day.” Following
this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt will help you find your hiddent talent(s).

3)      The Comfort Zones Stunt Your Growth
How To Find Your Talent: The best way to explore hidden talents is to try
completely new “scary” things for yourself. Skydive, sing at a Karaoke, visit a
church you know nothing about, volunteer for a crisis center, join a club, study
something completely foreign to you. Break out of your comfort zone and you might
be surprised what gets waked up in you.

4)      Don’t Get Mad, Get Paid
How To Find Your Talent: ‘If you see something wrong, why don’t you right it’ the
song goes. If something bugs you about the way things are, making a difference can
make you money. Chances are if you’re annoyed by something, other people are too.
All the better if you can do something profitable that helps everyone!

What is the best way to rebuild my self esteem?

1)      Clear, Clear, Clear… Ho’opono pono. Identifying the limiting beliefs.

2)      Looking in the mirror and naming what you like.

3)      Self Esteem and Confidence

4)      Precepts regarding self esteem:
1. Self esteem is derived through taking the action steps that our higher self has inspired us to take!
2. Do baby steps toward that inspired goal DAILY! At least ONE action step per day!

Richest man in Babylon, throwing the rock in the stream every day no matter what.
3. Release valuing “the tribal opinion” of what you are choosing to do. “If I only do that which the tribe wants me to do, there will be no societal evolution, and I will not have contributed anything to the growth of consciousness!”
4. Associate NOT doing it with pain (diminishing your value to the world, AND to lack of personal fulfillment!), and doing it with pleasure.

5)      Precepts regarding confidence:
A. Practice through visualization of it going RIGHT!
B. Practice by standing in front of your mirror actually DOING the thing!
C. Practice by going over your speech, talk, or whatever!
D. Practice by LEARNING HOW! Read books and newsletters, take a class, get a coach!
E. Think in terms of principles, not feelings! Expect good feelings that emote you into action: Those flow from your HEART, and are divine guidance!
F. Determine what you value, and stand firm in those things!

I heard at Achieve Today Live Joe Vitale was talking about the power of prayer. Why is that so important? PRAYER IS a way to activate the Law of Attraction by requesting an intention and inviting inspiration.

1)      I pray and love it. I pray every morning and night with my husband and alone.

2)      Example of bad prayers:

A)    I don’t think most people actually believe their prayers. They pray without any real belief that anyone is listening or anything will happen. They simply “toss” one to the sky, like a stranded person on an island throwing a note in a bottle into the ocean. They hope someone picks it up. Then they hope someone acts on their plea.

B)    desperation is the other problem. Most prayers are just begging. People pray for help, solutions, miracles, healing, money and more. But when they pray, it’s often because they don’t see a way out and are pleading for intervention.

C)    Most people don’t take action. This is a common thing in the world of metaphysics. People think their praying is action, when it’s really an action, but not the entire blueprint to results.

3)      Example of a good prayer

A)    Express Gratitude: Shift focus, To me, this is the core issue. If we all felt more gratitude         for what we have, even the things we complain about, we’d shift our focus, our mind, our       thoughts, our energies, our spirit, our direction, our action, and more. Gratitude for the      now is the number one way to begin any prayer. When you sincerely do it and feel it, you   can stop with this step, too. It’s that powerful.

B)    Requesting rather than begging: we don’t know the big picture or the whole story. Begging for a certain outcome is an ego trip; it’s pretending we know it all. We don’t. We barely know a tiny percentage of what is happening in our personal world at any one time. A wiser approach is to make a request but acknowledge that something better may be more appropriate. End requests with the phrase, “This or something better.” This step requires faith.

C)    ACTING: We co-create results. The Higher Power (God, Divine, Universe, etc) works through you, not for you. When you see an opportunity, seize it. When you receive an inspiration, act on it. You are the missing ingredient in most results from prayer. The famous joke about the man who prayed to win the lottery but was reminded to buy a ticket, is good to remember.

4)      Quotes of Prayers “Prayer is the effort to bring the human soul into tune with the Infinite.” – W. J. Dawson, Prayer: The Forgotten Secret

Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him.”
Gordon B. Hinckley, Standing for Something: 10 Neglected Virtues That Will Heal Our Hearts and Homes

“I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.”
Abraham Lincoln

5)      Does anyone have a story on prayer where they utilized these 3 principles?

People at work are rude to me? At least two ways to look at this.

1)      You train people how to treat you by your beliefs. Which is hard for you to accept but            it’s true. We are inviting that on some unconscious level. All we see is the outer result    and then blame others. You are training people how to treat you. LOVE YOURSELF THAT THAT STARTS TO EXCUDE! The vibe you are sending effects what you observe. It all boils down to yourself image. 95% of your communication is your body language.
2)      Diary of a wall flower: You accept the love you think you deserve.

3)      I get that question almost every week. What do you do when you meet 2 negative people? Introduce them to each other and send them on their way.

4)      Observe, don’t attach an emotion to it.

What are some ways to tell if I am self sabotaging?

1)      Finding sadness in other peoples success

2)      Finding Happiness in others’ failures

3)      Noticing reoccurring negative life events.

A)    Cheating spouse: Marrying cheating spouse after cheating spouse

B)    “Bad luck all the time”

C)    Consistently being bankrupt or in debt. Pay check to pay check. Stuck

D)    Consistently feeling disconnected with the divine

E)     Reoccurring health problems: Addictions.

What do you do about it?

1)      Find joy in your own success and others

2)      Compliment your own cake

3)      Accept a compliments

4)      Give them sincerely

5)      Clearing

6)      GRATITUDE!!!!

Personal story if getting over self sabotage. Relationships.

Personal Tithing story: Let it to flow through me and not just to me. Donating 10%. Be a conduit of money. Letting it flow through me.

Posture can be a form of self sabotage! OPEN UP! Don’t block your own message. Give the message of open. SABOTAGE IS BLOCK.

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