Graduate Call Notes 7-29-14: It’s “Be, Do, Have,” NOT “Have, Do, Be!”

So often, people want to HAVE something, but fail to realize that when they are chasing the “havingness” of something, they are only creating more of CHASING it! The only way to genuinely HAVE that which you are choosing to HAVE, is to first BE a vibrational match to having it!

What does that mean? You must first be in a state of gratitude, saying “thank you” to the Universe for it, as if you already have it! The capacity to feel appreciative for something prior to it even showing up in your life, comes from a deep inner knowingness that the Universe is benevolent, and a sincerely felt sense of awareness that it is being provided for you! This trusting state is a state of BEING an energetic, vibrational match to that which you are choosing!

When someone attempts to make decisions and take action to DO something when they are not in a vibration of gratitude for it as if they already have it, then their energy cannot radiate out the vibration to the Universe which will bring it! So, the person never gets what they want! Attempting to DO something, just because you think you “should”, or “ought to”, will only attract unto you that which you don’t want!

When you allow yourself to come from a place of loving what you LOVE, and enjoying what you enjoy, then you are beginning the creative cycle from your divine creative capacity! You are then already vibrating to attract what you want! This is BEING first, and that brings to you the energy of promptings which will feel good to you. Making decisions based on whether or not it feels good to you, then, allows you to make divinely inspired decisions. Taking action on THOSE will yield the fruit of HAVING WHAT YOU WANT!

How can you get back in touch with what you enjoy, so you are flowing from your BEINGness?

Assignment: Write a list of everything you have ever enjoyed doing or learning, or THOUGHT YOU MIGHT enjoy doing or learning, if you let yourself try it.

Then, rate each one on a scale from one to five, five being strong, positive energy. Then, begin exploring the fives! See if there is a class you can take about that. Is there a meetup group you can join? ( Sign up for newsletters about that type of activity or subject.

When you let yourself explore doing what you love, the Universe will flow ideas to you which, the taking of action on those ideas, can make you RICH!

First, BE who you are! Then, DO what feels light and fun for you. Then, you will HAVE what you want!

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