Graduate Call Notes 7-22-14: How Do We Really Forgive?

How do we really forgive?       

First, Please understand that I mean no lack of compassion in what I’m about to teach you. I know it’s hard to learn new ways of seeing things! That’s why you came here to this life, however….to learn to triumph over what used to bind you!

So, how else could you learn that, unless someone “inflicts” the lesson upon you? “They” didn’t do it to you! They kept their “sacred contract” with you to teach you how quickly you give away your power and go down to emotional hell, thinking thoughts of how weak and hurt you are! “They” showed you, YOU.

Once you really comprehend this, you will never again worry about anything you see in the news! You will fully be at peace, being able to bless everybody for their role in the evolution of society! Of course, the subjects of the news stories very likely won’t comprehend consciously that they chose this, energetically, way before they came here, but they did! Everybody has chosen everything that they experience!

When my brother, Brad, whom I loved very dearly, was murdered, if someone would have walked up to me and said, “Well, you know he chose to be murdered, for some purpose which we can’t comprehend.” I would have punched them in the face!

But now I see that it is completely true! He did it for me…so I could both learn and teach these principles! So, what does that say about his murderer, Kuflom? Well, now I think to rejoice and thank him for his contribution to the raising of societal consciousness!

There are four ways in which people attract and create the scenarios in their lives, even if they appear to be “bad”:

  1. Personal past “karma” (energy). Do you think you have always been nice? Maybe in this life! But, who knows what you’ve done to “them” in the past? Sometimes it’s a function of, “No wonder they hate me!” This is an example of choosing the situation because of what you needed to learn!
  2. Tribal or Ancestral Karma that you didn’t necessarily choose to clear for others, but you have similar energy inside you, so you were born into that stream of energy. This is another example of choosing the situation because of what you needed to learn! And when you clear it in you, all your ancestors will be cleared, too!
  3. Being a “karmic messiah” (a term I have coined!) which means that you have taken upon yourself the karma of others, because you knew you were valiant enough to transform that energy into something more! Karma has to go somewhere, because energy can’t be destroyed or created, it can only change forms. Jesus is an example of this.
  4. You came here to teach other people, so they could learn! Some of the most valiant spirits get born into the most horrible of circumstances, so they can call attention to it, and thereby raise consciousness.

The bottom line? There’s nothing to forgive! It happened FOR you, not TO you!

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