Graduate Call Notes 7-15-14: When Family Isn’t Supportive

If you are struggling to create your reality the way you choose for it to be, and you think it’s because you don’t have the emotional support and encouragement of your family, there are four primary lessons you are now “getting to” learn;

  1. You are not the victim of the family were born into! YOU CHOSE THEM, and they had previously, before you all came to this life, CHOSE for them to inflict you in the exact way they inflicted you, because YOU wanted to learn the lessons you are now learning! Are you learning how quickly you give away you’re your power, and abandon yourself? That consciousness raising exercise is part of the reason you chose them as your family! Even if it was subconscious…the Universe doesn’t force anything on people! There are some specific phrases you can say in order to stay fully present with other people WHILE they are freaking out! You can lean in, and say, “I can see you’re really upset. I’d like to understand your perspective; Can you explain it to me? What are you afraid you might not get, or could lose?” Everything is either LOVE or A CALL FOR LOVE! Be LOVE for them even while they are being difficult to love! If you can only love people who are just like you, is that even loving?? See what better communication skills you are learning as a result of this situation being in your life?
  2.  Perhaps you came here to pay all your karma (it’s just a fancy Eastern word for energy!) and to get it over with in one clean sweep!
  3.  Perhaps you came here as a “karmic messiah” (a term I’ve coined!) in order to take upon yourself the energy of others, simply because you knew the spiritual depth you had already attained, and you knew you would not stop evolving through this life until you cleared all that ancestral karma! You’ve never stopped searching for your solution, have you? See how valiant you are! Energy cannot be destroyed; It can only change forms!       And perhaps you came here to assist the world in changing the karma! THANK YOU!
  4.  If you stop trying to force them to be like you, they will stop pushing back against you! Then, you can all accept each other just as you are!



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